02 Sound Of Fireworks

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George smiled as Ana accepted his hand, feeling the soft tenderness of her skin against his. He couldn't help but think about if his palms were sweaty.

Eventually passing through the mass crowd of legal drinking adults, towards the hallway which Ana knew contained at least two separate bedrooms, she pulled back against him. Shaking her head as he turned around, her hand began to loosen as her disappointment was mixed with disgust.

'Why did you stop?' George asked as he stared at her in confusion.

'I'm not going into a bedroom.' She said flatly and stepped even further back.

He opened his mouth to respond but was dumbfounded as he had caught on. 'I promise it's not like that, trust me.' His hand came out again, waiting for her's to hold of it.

Begrudgingly accepting it once more, Ana was on high alert this time. Ready to pull away at any red flag.

'Come on, I want you to see something.' George continued as he gently tugged her hand further into the hallway and up an empty staircase.

The pair made it to the second floor of the apartment which appeared to have been some kind of makeshift study.

Sliding the glass window open, the brown haired boy turned to look into Ana's face once more. 'Trust me,' His whisper repeated the request again as he climbed out of the window with Ana close behind him.

'It's freezing!' Her statement had gone unnoticed by George as he steadied himself on the roof.

The layer of snow had begun to melt into her shoes as Ana shivered. 'Come over here,' George called nearing closer to the edge of the roof.

Stepping shyly closer, Ana could already feel the warmth emanating from him.

'What time is it?'

Checking his watch, George's focus was barely on the time but on the girl who's arm was lightly brushed against his.

'3 minutes until midnight,' he breathed out and continued to gaze at the ever moving city around them.

Glancing down into the street below, Ana felt her stomach tighten involuntarily. She hadn't realised how high up she actually was until then.

It was quiet between the pair as Ana shakily stepped closer to safety.

Which meant further away from George.

She bent down to move the frosty pieces of chunky water aside and sat down.

Coming beside her, George squatted. 'So what do you think?'

Pulling her hair out of the hairtie it was in, Ana shook it free. She let her hair down in an attempt to keep her remaining body heat while looking around at the city skyline.

'It's beautiful,' she said and tentatively moved her head to rest on the young boys shoulder.

It was at this moment that George had stopped breathing entirely. Even with the ice coldness around him, he was the warmest he had felt all night.

'So who are you?' Ana asked as she breathed into her hands.

'What do you mean?'

'I mean, why do you feel so familiar?' She asked and raised her head.

The two seemed to not speak as they looked at each other intently. At least, that was until George's alarm went off.

'Happy New Year, Ana.' George said in a hushed voice as the distant sound of fireworks could be heard.

'Look,' She pointed at the high rise buildings and stood up, pulling George behind her.

'Happy New Year,' Anna replied as George slowly leant in closer to her.

The pair had gently collided their lips together. Having felt longer than a few seconds neccesary for both of them, they pulled apart. Still able to fill the warmth each had given to the other.

'Let's get back.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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