▪️{PART 2}▪️

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You could see the castle in the distance from the carriage and suddenly waves of nerves overtook your body. You couldn't believe you were back here in England after all these years. At one point it was considered your second home, but that was so long ago you've almost forgotten. Your hand scanned over your long red gown for the hundredths time to try and settle your nerves, but it was no use.

"Now now princess Y/N, you don't won't to cause wrinkles in your gown now would you?" One of your servants scolded you, while fixing your hair.. You quickly put your hands down on your Lap and stopped fidgeting.

"You're right, it's a bad habit." You said and turned your head to the carriages window
You could hear the trumpets playing upon your arrival, as the cheers started to get louder. This was it you though to yourself. A new kingdom, New people, a new home. You understood this was your duty to your country, but it doesn't make it any less hard. But when you thought of your mother and what she has to go through, you knew you had to do this.

"Princess Y/N, we are here are you ready madam?" One of your guard told you as you suddenly felt the carriage come to a halt.

You turned to him and nodded. He quickly got out of the carriage to the other side and was waiting for you to leave the carriage. You stood there for a moment taking it all in befor, you had to go out. You've done this countless of times, arriving at the royal palace. But now it wasn't to play games and have fun, it was business.

A servants grabbed the back of your gown to make sure you wouldn't trip. You straightened your back and held your head tall just like you should be.. You took a deep breathe and finally opened the carriage door.

The sound of people cheering ringed in your ears

The bright sun blinded your vision for a moment, but a guard took your hand to help you down the carriage steps.. Once your eyes adjusted to your surroundings, you couldn't believe how many people were on the palace lawn waiting for your arrival.

Nobels and commoners were all standing on the left and right side of the long path that took you to the castle doors. You waved back and smiled at the people who called out to you, to be kind. Three of you guards walked beside you to make sure no one got too close.

Kids were cheering and throwing small gifts at your feet, and you Gave them a kind smile to show your gratitude. You turned to the left side of people when you saw out of the corner of your eye something coming towards you. The guards quickly put up their swords on instinct.
But when you saw that it was just a little girl, you stopped the guards.

"Weapons down. It's just a child." You squatted down at the little girl with rosey cheeks and dark black hair. She was holding a sunflower in her hands.
"For you Princess Y/N. A flower to compliment your beauty." Her little hands placed the flower in yours and bowed to you, and you smiled.
"Thank you so much, I love it. What is your name?" You asked her.

"My name is Stella, well Ella for short." She told you.
"Ella is a pretty name for a pretty young girl. Thank you for your kind gesture, it won't be forgotten." You complimented her and her face broke out into a grin. You stood up from squatting and saw a distress lady coming forward who resembled Ella.

"I'm so sorry my princess, I tried to tell her she shouldn't intrude, but she wouldn't listen." She bowed after taking her daughters hand in hers.
"It's alright mam, your daughter is too kind." You told her and she too broke out in a grin.

"Thank you, your highness." She bowed to you again and you nodded at her. Before the guards escorted them back to their place.

Suddenly the guards stopped surrounding me, but formed a line with you in the middle. Before you could question what was happening the trumpets changed songs, and everyone turned from you to the castle.

You saw English guards flow out of the palace and started walking down the path to you. The crowd started to roar even louder, when The Queen and King set forth down the path as well.
They looked like they were floating, they walked so Effortlessly. The Queen was wearing a blue and gold dress that fell beautifully on her shoulders. Her crown was blinding in the sunshine. The kings long robe was a bright gold that made him look untouchable, and he was. The crown on his head proved that.

As they came closer the crowd down the path, you noticed another person, a man walking down behind him.. You could barely tell if it was Harry. But even the thought of his name made you heart beat faster. When they came closer everyone bowed their heads in respect, and you did the same too.
"Princess Y/N, my dear we are so very glad to have you here with us." Queen Anne said as she took you into an embrace. The Queen looked like she hasn't aged a bit. She still looks like the women who was like your second mom years ago.
"I hope you will enjoy our home, and make it your own my child." The King said as he leaned in to kiss your cheek." At this point the whole crowd was quiet.

"Thank you so much your majesty for allowing me to stay here. I am forever grateful." You wanted them to know how thankful you were for welcoming you with open arms.

"No worries my dear your our family now of course your welcomed here." The Queen insisted, bringing up the engagement.

"You remember our son Harry? You all use to play together when you were younger." The Queen moved over slightly to reveal her son Prince Harry.

I'm gonna update it real quick!
Vote comment and read!

All the love xxx

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