The Patton.

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Virgil learns more about the inner workings of Roman's mind.

Virgil slowly walked down the hallway towards Patton's room. He thought he heard thunder shaking at the windows but as he turned around he realised it was only a translucent figure.

"Who are you?" Virgil asked with determination.

"Oh, I'm only Demi. And before you ask, yes I am a part of Roman." The figure answered.

"What kind of a part?" Virgil growled.

"Only a small part. Still I want independence as much as the rest of them. If your here to get Roman back then it won't be easy for you." Demi's voice was bouncing off the walls,playful and teasing with a slight echo.

"Why do you want independence?" Virgil tried to be careful with his words.

"Oh, only cause Roman never uses me. I've been stuck in my house making tea for far too long. I don't even like tea. I want pranks and tricks. I've gone for too long without a bit of fun."

"If I promise to call on you or make him have some fun with pranks and tricks, then would you willingly combine again." Virgil calmly offered.

"Why yes, you have to understand that each of us has a goal, a purpose I daresay and if you give each of us what we want then I'm sure we'll happily combine."

"Oh really."

"Yes really, ta ta. Call me when you've convinced the others." Demi threw confetti in the air and disappeared. The confetti spelt out 'Just call my name.'

Virgil wondered if it was really going to be that easy. He threw himself into Patton's room as he remembered why he came here.

"P-Patton?" Virgil called out.

"Get away you foul spider. All you creepy crawly death dealers aren't going to ruin me." Patton screeched.

"Are you okay, Patton?"

"Oh I'm just fine. Its Roman who's the sick psycho. He plopped a bunch of spi-ders on my bed and just left." Patton's voice dripped with sarcasm and anger.

"Patton! Calm down. Roman is being split into his different personality traits and losing his sanity. Who do you think has it worse?"

"Oh jeez, I didn't mean to interrupt your little search for an insane man. Why don't you just forget about him? He's falling apart."


"You think you have such a great sense of humour, don't you? Well guess what. It's either me or him. You can comfort me or you can save him."

"What Patton! Why would you do this?" Virgil asked through tears.

"Forget him! He's not worth it! You can do soooo much better." Patton told Virgil.

"No! This isn't you Patton. I won't do it." Virgil was firm.

Patton snapped his fingers and in his place was Deceit.

"Virgil~, well done. You caught me. I'm not Deceit though. I'm Roman's Deceit. He's been lying an awful~ lot lately and it has transformed me. Instead of just enjoying being someone else for the play now I can lie about my role." They sounded just like Deceit and looked pretty similar although this Deceit had red where Deceit's black would normally go.

"Where is Patton?" Virgil was angry.

"Safe with Logan."

"How do I know you aren't lying?"

"Silly Virgil. My old name was honesty for a reason."

"What?" Virgil was very confused.

"I was~ Honesty and then the theatre came along. We all had to adapt, you know. I became Stage Performance and Confidence helped me quite a lot but lately Roman has considered his life to be a stage performance. Every day wear a mask, Conceal the truth don't let it out, Everyone will know you're weak if you ever feel at all. My old Honesty self is very convinced this is wrong but another part of me is whispering lies into my soul. I'm corrupted. We're all corrupted and it's all my fault. I never let him express himself. I didn't let him feel. He needs to feel as creativity. Oh my, what have I done." As soon as Stage Performance stopped talking he burst into tears while muttering things like 'Roman doesn't need me.', 'I'm useless.', 'Everyone hates me.' and 'You hate me too.'

"Calm down Stage Performance, I don't hate you. Roman wouldn't have been as successful or able to help Thomas without you."

"You really think so..."

"I know so. Sure you need to stop lying and save your acting for the performances but we can work on that. We can work on all your flaws, Together."

"I suppose so... Does this mean you'll be close by for us?"

"I'll always be there. I'll always try." Virgil comforted him.

"Thanks Verge. Every performance Roman ever does, it's me. I'll be there so you better stick to your word and help."


"You do know I could just seep into Roman's mind now..."

"Can the others do that?" Virgil questioned.

"Only the Main ones. Not the fragments."

"Who are the Mains?" Virgil didn't want to chase after all of the pieces of Roman's mind for a long time.

"Me, Veronica, That demon guy, Confidence, and someone else."

"I thought you were going to tell me."

"They put a filter on me. I wish I could."

Stage Performance retreated to the mind and left Virgil to keep walking along the hallway.

(884 words)

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