Family Nightmares

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(I want something angsty okay, stfu)
Gavin's POV

  I woke up sweaty and scared. I had that nightmare again.. 'Fuck..' I whisper to myself, getting out of bed and to my bathroom. I splash cold water on my face and stare at my reflection for a little before retreating back to my bedroom.

  I check the clock, it's 5:27AM. It's so early considering it's the weekend. I put on a my usual black shirt and unplugged my phone before leaving my bedroom. As I exited, I could tell that Nines was awake because I could smell something cooking in the kitchen.

  Before I could even walk to the kitchen, my cat, Maple(I like the name, okay?), blocked my path by rubbing herself on my legs. "I don't have time for this, Maple" I say before walking over her and to the kitchen with Maple right behind me.

  Once I entered the kitchen, I could see Nines making pancakes for me. I walk over to him and hug him from behind. "Good morning, Gavin." He says before flipping a pancake. I bury my head into his back and say a muffled 'good morning' as a reply, not realizing my voice was slightly different than my normal morning voice. Nines immediately caught on. "Is something wrong, Gavin?" I hear him say. I didn't answer back.

  I could hear Nines turn off the burner and place the pancake on a plate before turning around and hugging me back. "Did you have nightmares about them again?" I hear him say with concern. I pause for a moment before nodding slightly. "You do not have to be such a baby, you know? I'm here, don't worry" I hear him say calmly before planting a kiss on my forehead.

  I walk over to the dining table and sit down as Nines takes the plate of pancakes along with some maple syrup from the cupboard(If anyone jokes about this, I swear) and placing it in front of me to eat.

  After a bit, He opens his mouth to speak. "Do you want to talk about it?" Is what he said. I take a bit of time to reply. "Yeah whatever, you've heard it before though.." Is what I said. I should've actually thought of what I needed to say. "I know but it is good to talk about whatever is bugging you. Like I said, I'm hear for you and I am always open to listen." He says in such a calm tone that it soothes me enough to open up to him.

  We walk over to the living room and sit on the couch, Maple running up to me and sat on my lap. Obviously, she could sense I was feeling down. I pet her slightly before stopping to speak, my hand resting on her back. "I really don't understand why I still have nightmares about my homophobic and careless family. They never pay any fucking attention to me, they only complain about gay people and praise my fucking brother for whatever the fuck he's doing!" I sigh right after saying that and I look up to Nines. "You have had to deal with them for so long that they still haunt you till this very day, that must be why. All the verbal and physical abuse they lay on you leave scars and you cannot do anything about it other than forget it." He says, meeting my gaze half way into his explanation. I look away before saying "Well how the fuck do I forget it?! I'll do whatever I fucking can just tell me..". I was at the verge of tears before getting pulled into a hug, Maple jumping off of me to let this happen. "You can start by being happy. When you are happy, you don't defend yourself but you just do you. It is a good way of forgetting all the scars your family has left behind." Just hearing his voice made me happy and I cry all my sadness away with him comforting me the whole time.

  After a while of crying, I finally calmed down and Nines pulled away from the hug just to give me a soft kiss on my lips. I could feel myself getting better with every small loving gesture from this android whom I proudly call my lover. To make things better, Maple snuggled up to me, purring, in hopes to make me better. I pick her up and give her a few kisses before putting her on my lap and continued to pet her. Nines smiled at the sight and gave me a lil peck on the cheek.

"I love you, Gavin."
"I love you too, tin can."
(787 words)

I just want Gavin to be happyyyy..

And damn that felt good to write. I get real annoyed whenever someone uses sex as a way to get people's mind off of things which I mean, fuck off with that shit. Sure its fun to write but pleeaase.. Sorry to offend you of you actually like that.. Just forget I wrote anything.

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