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Jaemin paced back and fort in his room that evening after Donghyuck and Jeno's fight in the parking lot.

Lee Jeno doesn't have a red string. That thought is constantly repeating inside his head.

Why? There was no red string. Jaemin was sure he saw nothing but Jeno's plain fingers with no red string tied around his pinky finger.

Jaemin racked his brain for answers, but he couldn't think of any. He even had the audacity to search for answers in Google, but everything he saw was useless.

He sighed and threw himself at his bed. Jaemin was restless. He needed answers right now, his brain can't calm down until he knows the answers for his questions.

He decided to text Renjun. At least he can tell his woes to his best friend who believes in aliens and other supernatural things. He will understand him, right?

Injun tell u what

tell me what?

I told u I can see red strings connecting people and their soulmates right?

Yes! thank you for that Jaem. Couldn't have found my Xuxi if it weren't for u!!
You know he's so fun to be around with. Sometimes he's stupid but still!!

I get it. You're welcome.
but tell u what
I didn't see Lee Jeno's red string

That's odd. How come?
Don't tell me you're already losing your power?
You haven't found Chenle's soulmate yet and Donghyuck's!
And yours!

Jaemin rolls his eyes. Right. He's supposed to find if Chenle's crush is his soulmate. Unfortunately, he was too occupied at the fact that Lee Jeno has no red string that he had failed to notice the red string from Chenle.

I can see my parents' red strings.
I don't need red strings to find my soulmate.

Maybe Lee Jeno doesn't have a soulmate?

That's odd.

Why are you even interested whether he has a soulmate or not? You got a crush on him? 👀

Jaemin sighed and threw his phone away without typing a reply for Renjun. Honestly, what did Lucas do to him for him to be having weird thoughts? As far as Jaemin could remember, Renjun would always have a solution to his problems.

But now, it's all about Lucas and crushes and soulmates.

He groans, he needs to cool off his head for a moment. Jaemin bounced off his bed and went straight out of his room, not forgetting to stuff in some cash in his pocket.

"Where are you going Jaem?" His father asked.

"Out," Jaemin answered shortly. "Just in the convenience store to buy food," he added and didn't wait for another reply as he rushed out of the house.

The night breeze greeted his bare face, he was getting cold since he didn't even put a hoodie on. Nevertheless, Jaemin walked briskily away from home with his hands on his pockets.

𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄  𝘭. 𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘰 & 𝘯. 𝘫𝘢𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯 ✔Where stories live. Discover now