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Jaemin's class ended early, which means he has to wait for the younger to finish.

"Who are you waiting for?" Donghyuck asked when he saw Jaemin standing beside the door to Chenle's Biology class. "Chenle didn't come to school today, did he?"

"I'm waiting for Jisung," Jaemin answered.

Donghyuck's eyes widened, "Jeno Lee's friend? What are you going to do Na?"

Jaemin shrugs his shoulders. Besides Renjun, no one from his group of friends exactly knows who Chenle's little crush is. Although he wanted to tell Donghyuck about it, he figured that it shouldn't be today or tomorrow or the next day either; because Donghyuck has a loud mouth.

Donghyuck simply pouted, then releasing a dramatic sigh afterwards, "Where's Renjun then?"

"Probably with Lucas," Jaemin answered with a smile and Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "Injunnie doesn't admit it but he likes to hang out with Lucas because he's adorable," Jaemin added which to Donghyuck's disgust.

"I swear to God," Donghyuck throws his hands up in the air. "I'm the only one who doesn't have a problem here."

Jaemin furrows his eyebrows, "Excuse me?"

"I better get going," Donghyuck immediately chirps, "Mark invited a lot of students to come to his house tonight."

"What for?"

"For his farewell party," Donghyuck sadly replied, his eyes flicking to somewhere else to avoid Jaemin's gaze. "You know.. he's a senior, right? Graduation is just around the corner. Rumors say he's going back to Canada for college," he added solemnly.

Jaemin was about to say something when his eyes flickered to the red string attached on Donghyuck's little finger. It was gleaming, sparkling, and turning redder, which to Jaemin's awe and confusion.

He looks around but spotted no one. The string was stretching all the way far to the other side of the building which leads to the Senior Department. Jaemin's eyebrows shot up, his lips turning into a little smirk.

"And you were invited?" Jaemin asked.

"Yeah," Donghyuck nods slowly, his tan skin was gleaming and sparkling with the sunlight from the windows. Jaemin couldn't see it, but he knows Donghyuck was blushing. "He asked if you guys could come too. Lucas is definitely invited, so I'm guessing Renjun's coming too," he added.

"I'll see," Jaemin nods. "You better head out then, if you want to be early. I need to talk to Jisung about something."

Donghyuck nods eagerly, "See you tonight Jaem!" He shouted before running off to somewhere.

Jaemin sighs and looked at the Senior Department building just across from where he was standing. He could see Lucas standing near the window talking with someone, until he moved and saw Mark grinning at Lucas. Jaemin gasps, looking to where Donghyuck has ran off to, but the trail of red string was no more.

"Na Jaemin."

He thought his heart had leaped out of his chest when he heard his name. He turns around to see Lee Jeno, scowling at him like usual.

"What are you doing here?"

Jaemin scoffs, "What are you doing here?"

Jeno's eyebrows furrowed, "I asked you first, Na Jaemin. What? Can't answer a simple question? No wonder you fell to rank number two," he smirked, to Jaemin's annoyance.

"I'm waiting for someone," Jaemin grits his teeth. "None of your business if who is it."

Jeno chuckles, "I don't need to ask. Jisung told me about it earlier, and I'm here for that purpose also."

𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄  𝘭. 𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘰 & 𝘯. 𝘫𝘢𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯 ✔Where stories live. Discover now