The Man

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Sherlock sat staring intently at the phone.

Why should he care? He was Sherlock Holmes! The great Sherlock Holmes with amazing deduction skills! Sherlock Holmes who didn't have feelings, wasn't attached to anyone!

"Sherlock Holmes..... who really, really wants to pick up that phone." he said with a slight laugh. It didn't help lighten his mood.

Finally he said "Sherlock Holmes..... who gets what he wants!" And with that he picked up the phone.

He soon found that she didn't put a password on it which made things easier for him he thought. Looking through her phone he found her latest text:

We need to talk

24 Lynn street

The car is waiting for you.

He looked at the number, and his eyes widened. He knew that number all to well, it was a number he had seen..... and dreaded. He knew exactly where that car had taken Charlotte and exactly what he had to do. He just wished he knew exactly what was going on.

He stormed out of 221b enraged that Charlotte had been dragged into what ever he was planning, or was he angry that someone who had managed to scratch the surface of what emotions he had, could be a fake? "Well," he thought to himself, "no time for that now is there?"

He stood on the street and waved down a cab. He firmly told the cabbie where he needed to go ( the cabbie most likely would have hesitated in taking him there, if not for the tone of his voice.)

The cab sped off and Sherlock Holmes only wished he could deduce what would happen next.


Charlotte was running, running faster than she could remember running in a long time. She thanked God she had worn flats that day instead of her usual high heels.

She sped off down the streets coming ever closer to 221b Baker Street. She was in fact, so consumed in thought she didn't realize the cab that sped by containing Sherlock and the, quite frankly, frightened cabbie. (Sherlock didn't notice her either, but someone else did.)

Charlotte finally came to Baker Street and burst through the door to 221b.

"What's the hurry dear?" Mrs. Hudson yelled after her in astonishment and confusion.

Charlotte halted at the top of the stairs as a shock of fear went through her. The door was hanging wide open. She stepped inside. Sherlocks coat was missing. She walked into the kitchen. Her phone was gone.


The cab pulled up to the drive way. It had been a while since Sherlock had been here, not to long though.

He got out and started off.

"Ey'?" The cabbie said in with his strongly accented voice. "I think ya mite wan ta know at'-"

"Stay. here." He said pointing to the ground, as if he were commanding a dog or a young child to stay in their place.

The cabbie gave an irritated look, but realized something was happening. Also he had to tell him something that he thought quite important.

Sherlock walked up to the gigantic building. He thrust open the doors and strode in, a hard commanding look in his face. He had gone to far this time, this was the last straw.

He busted into his office with a crashing of the doors. He strode over and slapped his hands down on his desk his face inches away from his.

"What is going on?" he said calmly trying to regain himself.

"What's the matter? Having trouble, brother dear?"

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