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323,955 LIKES KENCYADAMS honey honey 🍯 VIEW ALL 3,956 COMMENTS
RANDOM oh ok bitch i see you
RANDOM it's days like these i realize why tf i'm gay ⤷ RANDOM i felt that bitch i'm gayer than gay
RANDOMget back with nahmir
YBNNAHMIR^ this my nigga right here
RANDOMyou put eyeshadow under your eye??? ⤷ KENCYADAMSgirl don't knock it till you try it i swearrrr
RANDOMa beauty
YBNCORDAEwhen did you change your hair? ⤷ KENCYADAMSit's a throwback.... ⤷ YBNCORDAEyou look good ⤷ YBNNAHMIRshe what? ⤷ YBNCORDAEi'll delete my comment now ⤷ KENCYADAMSnick he can give me compliments he knows his boundaries YBNNAHMIRLIKEDTHIS COMMENT.
YBNNAHMIRok ok he's right anyway you look good baby ⤷ KENCYADAMSthank you (:
RANDOMit's really getting closer to the date they get back together ⤷ YBNALMIGHTYJAYjinx that shit and imma come back n shoot yo ass
RANDOMjay said nobody fuck with my ship
RANDOMok but are we supposed to ignore the fact he has a whole girlfriend ? ⤷ YBNGLIZZYmind yo business bitch ⤷ RANDOM so i take that as a yes
NICKI is that what you really want?
BABY G huh?
NICKI to have someone to compare me too?
NICKI is that gonna make you happy?
BABY G idk what's gonna make me happy
NICKI but that's what you want from me?
BABY G yeah
NICKI okay go for it.
BABY G you fr rn?
NICKI it's what i said
NICKI this better now be no test bullshit where you get mad that i agree with you
BABY G it's not a test i just don't know if this is a trick
NICKI it's not i just want you to go find out that no nigga is gonna do it like me idc where you find him
NICKI so go do your venturing but come back to me so i dont have to go kill someone