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349,956 LIKES YBNNAHMIRif your girl could walk after you fuck her, you gotta go a round two on her ass she's testing your gangsta and that's facts 💯 VIEWALL 3,946 COMMENTS
RANDOMwait hold up too much shit is going on right now you're making my head hurt
RANDOMso no more alycia?
RANDOMkency is back and y'all fucked?
RANDOMwhy you ain't even trying to hide it at first like usual?
RANDOMwhy tf are there so many fucking bears?
RANDOMokay i've gathered all my thoughts now i'm good
RANDOMdid she test your gangster? 😂 ⤷ YBNNAHMIRdoes she look like she can walk rn?
YBNCORDAEhell nah i really just lost some money i didn't think it was gonna be this soon ⤷ KENCYADAMSthat's what you get ugly ass nigga ⤷ YBNCORDAEstfu that's why yo dumbass sore and can't walk rn ⤷ KENCYADAMSshut ur humpty dumpty ass up ⤷ YBNCORDAEoh you wanna talk jokes nigga?
RANDOMwhen nahmir gonna stop this nonsense
RANDOMkency and cordae are basically brother and sister nick don't give a fuck ⤷ YBNNAHMIRplus lil baby can handle her own she knows the game ⤷ YBNCORDAElil baby said you look like big bird
RANDOMi really though alycia was gonna stick around ⤷RANDOMgirl you really thought? you must be new ⤷ RANDOMhe would just show her off more than usual that's why....