Genealogies-the Evershields

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The Genealogy of Andora


The Evershield Family

Est: year 10,000 by reckoning of the Days of Old.

The Ancient King Evershield----The Mother Goddess Maia

Miscarried child

Maia had a miscarriage. No offspring was ever born. Maia sung and danced herself to death. Given the age of this event it is celebrated in many different lands. Sometimes the name of Maia and the Ancient King are changed to suit the contemporary society of the people.

Est: year 4,900 by reckoning of the Days of New.

King Aaragon Evershield I----------Queen Aaragon



When Princess Peyronella was an eleven-year-old, the exiled warrior of the Andoran army, "Rohan the Ruthless," captured the Evershield castle in Torino with the help of Almelkor's agents "The Golden Ones" and held King Aaragon captive. Rohan made King Aaragon an offer: either be taken himself or put his daughter, Princess Peyronella, in his place. The King offered himself over, infuriating Rohan who captured Peyronella anyways.

While being held captive in the abandoned fortress of an unknown Days of Old army, Rohan had the servant women of the "The Golden Ones" dress Peyronella as Rohan desired her sexually. The ruthless warlord instructed his servant women to keep her in her Andoran dress, for it would be a greater insult to King Aaragon. The warlord had his servants clear the chamber where she was being held captive. Rohan entered the room erect, prepared to penetrate the girl. Unbeknownst to Rohan, Peyronella had a knife in the sleeve of her Andoran robe and cut off his phallus. Escaping the chamber, from the tower she saw the banners of the Pyrésees and Andoran armies fighting side-by-side. A young Pyrésean warrior by the name Zion surmounted the tower and rescued Peyronella. The growing threat of "The Golden Ones" inspired the truce between the two kingdoms, and to solidify the truce, Peyronella was given to Zion in marriage. Ever since then, the Royal Families of Andora (established through subsequent truces) commence for the coming of age ceremony of the Princess of Pyrésea of the Day. Known as the 'pau I trera Peyronella.'

Anthony Evershield IV --------Queen Evershield

Mary Evershield

(still-born, little documentation exist)

Anthony Evershield V

Micah Evershield

Everelée Evershield

Adam Evershield

Adonis Evershield I ----------- Everelée Evershield

Averelée Evershield

(Eldest child of Adonis and Everélee)

Aséephine Evershield

Adonis Evershield II

(First Born Son, next in line for the Throne)

Jarod Evershield

Adonis Evershield II---------------First Lady Maráa

Sidon Evershield

(heir to the Kingdom of Andora in the Vale of Catholina of Andora)

Aaron Evershield

Jarod Evershield----------------Lady Evershield

Jared Evershield

Bethany Evershield

Averelée Evershield -------------Mayor Byron Sillar

Micah-Byron Evershield-Sillar

Adam-Mayor Evershield-Sillar

Kain-Yit Evershield-Sillar

Anthony-Byron Evershield-Sillar

Aséephine Evershield -------------Jerald-John Bishop

Joseh Evershield-Bishop

Esther Evershield-Bishop

Jezebel Evershield-Bishop

Est: year 5,041 by reckoning of the Days of New; year 8 by reckoning of N.A

Aharwon Lién Evershield-Wêsyliu----Edénå Madeline Pyrésea

Joshua Pyrésea-Evershield

(a celebrated musician)

Mikayla Eden Pyrésea-Evershield

(First Queen of New Andora)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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