Chapter 1

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" Please no," Stiles cried in pain as the man he once loved punches him in the face.

He was already bruised and breaking, but at this point, he didn't care to fight back. Danny had hit him many times, Stiles wanted to go to his best friend, Scott, for help but Danny would kill him if he told anyone about any of his outbursts. He was too afraid of what Danny would do, sometimes he thought just ending his life would be easier, but he would stay strong. Stiles always thought that if he killed himself, he was surrendering to Danny and he didn't want to die knowing that he is giving up. So Stiles never self harmed, he dragged himself away from bad thoughts, and chose to find a way out.

" When I tell you to do something, you do it!" Danny yelled, leaving the room, slamming the door. His voice was rough and deep, sending shivers through Stiles' body.

He got up and sat on Danny's bed. When he looked to his phone, the time was 1:00 am. Stiles was tired, in more ways than one. A few minutes past before Danny walked back into the room and went straight to Stiles. He didn't hit him or kick him, he reached for the hem of Stiles' blood stained shirt and lifted it of his head. He tossed it to the floor, pulling Stiles up from the bed so he could take his pants off, followed by his boxers.

This is how they got into a fight in the first place. Stiles was a virgin, he wanted to have sex but not like this. When he did he wanted it to be because of love, not because of boredom. Danny ripped off his clothes and pushed Stiles onto the bed, this was going to be a long night.

When Stiles woke up that morning, it was 6 am. He got up and went to the bathroom. His face was covered in bruises, red cuts everywhere. Black and blue covered his face. When he looked down, his torso looked the same. His back was even worse, it hurt to move so much, he didn't want people at school to see him like this, especially his friends, but he had no choice. He couldn't lie to most of them, they were werewolves.

He brushed his teeth and washed his face, wincing at how much it hurt to move. He walked back into Danny's room and sliped on a blue t-shirt, followed by his red jacket and a pair of jeans. He left a note for Danny knowing he has an alarm set for later, he didn't feel like getting abused at the moment.

He hopped into his blue jeep and drove to Lydia's, he knew she wouldn't have left yet and hopefully she had something to hide his bruises. He knocked on her door and heard footsteps. She opened the door and gasped. Stiles fell into her arms and sobbed. She was the only one who understood, the only one who knew what was happening. She is going through the same thing with Jackson.

" I can't do this anymore Lyd, I just can't take it!" Stiles cried. She started to tear up too, seeing one of her best friends in pain was heartbreaking.

" Shh, it's okay, everything will be okay," Lydia whispered. They went inside and up to her bedroom, trying not to wake her mom.

" Do you still have something to cover this up?" he asked and she shook her head.

" We used it all up from how many times you had to use it," Lydia sighs, it was a shame someone like Stiles had to go through so much pain and suffering, after his mom died his eyes were full if sorrow, even when he was truly happy, he wasn't.

He cried a little more before wiping his eyes and going to his car. Lydia climbed in te passenger side and Stiles started the car. They drove in silence as they made their way to school. He parked in his usual spot and got out of his car, locking it.

Lydia gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, telling him to be careful before walking away. When he turned around, his best friend Scott was running to him, concern clear on his face.

" Stiles what happened to you?" he softly asks and Stiles shakes his head. He couldn't tell him the truth.

" Nothing I just tripped and fell down the stairs last night," he lies. Scott narrows his eyes and puts a hand on Stiles' shoulder.

" I know your lying Stiles, I'm your best friend and I'm really worried, everytime I see you, your bruised and beat, each time worse than the last, you have to tell me," Scott says softly.

Tears try to fall from Stiles eyes but he holds it back.

" Scott, I want to tell you but I can't, I wish I could tell you everything but I can't, your my best friend and I hate keeping this from you but I'm really scared of what would happen," and that's it. Stiles breaks into tears, dropping to his knees. Scott bends down and lifts the beaten boy's chin up.

" You have nothing to be afraid of, as long as you have me your safe, please let me help you," Scott says and Stiles sighs.

He tells him everything, the first time Danny yelled at him, the first time he slapped him, why he didn't tell him, everything. He had to make Scott promise not to do anything. He argued but after seeing the look in his eyes, he agreed. Scott and Stiles get up from the ground and walk into school, all eyes on Stiles bruised face, leaving him with no self confidence.

( Hope you like it, I promise that Derek will come in soon! If I miss typed anything sorry I'm not on the lap top, I'm in bed at 1 am ob my phone so yeah. I will fix the cover soon, my phone is being all crappy and stuff, if you don't like my story so far make sure to read Unexpected and please read more than three chapters it gets better!)

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