Chapter 3

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Everyone arrived at the same time, all of them with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. Melissa McCall was the first to greet them, giving them the information she gathered. Scott was still balling his eyes out like Lydia, Derek was the one hiding his emotions even though he really did care, he always thought of Stiles as a member of the pack and even a little more than that. Stiles was in room A35, meaning he was very close. They raced to see him, stopping at the door not wanting to disturb him by running in. Scott opened the door and quietly walked in, looking at a father holding only sons hand, hoping that he will recover.

Stiles was still very pale, laying in the hospital bed unconscious with a perfect heart beat. Derek bit his lip to keep him from shedding a tear, he didn't want to show that he cared as much as he did.

" They said he was going to be in a coma for a while, might not remember what happened," the sheriff said still looking at his son. He looked up at Scott and whispered. " Did any of this have to do with the supernatural?" he asks and Scott shakes his head.

With that, the sheriff dismisses himself having to get back to work, the others follow thinking it was better to let him sleep, except for Scott and Derek. " Scott, what really happened to him?" Derek asks quietly.

" Stiles was in a relationship with this guy from our school, he was abusing Stiles and I guess this time, it went to far but-" Scott starts.

" Stiles was being abused and you didn't do anything about it!" Derek cuts off.

" He just told me this morning and told me not to do anything about it, if I could beat this fuckers ass I would," Scott replied, turning back to his best friend.

Derek sat down in the chair by Stiles bed, taking his hand, absorbing his pain. The color came back to Stiles' face for a minute before dying back down. " Scott, get some rest, I know he's your best friend but you have school tomorrow, I'll say with him," Derek said.

Scott nodded and left the room leaving Derek with his thoughts of the beautiful amber eyed boy that lays in the bed waiting to be woken. Derek started to talk, thinking Stiles couldn't hear him, little did he know the brown eyed beauty was listening intently to the life changing words leaving Derek's mouth.

" You know, ever since you saved me from the kanima in the pool, I felt something between us. At first it was just your smell, it was so intoxicating but then, the may your lips moved and the color of your eyes, my pants literally got tighter when I saw you," he laughed a little. " But then it was like I want something more than that you know, like I wanted you to light up when you see me or here my name, kind of like I secretly do. I really hope you wake up, maybe we could be that, a couple," Derek sighs and eventually slips into sleep dreaming about the boy who stole his heart.

Derek's POV

When I wake up, Stiles is staring at me with wide eyes and a smile. I get up from chair and stand in front of him. Stiles pulled me down and brought his lips to mine, it was a long passionate kiss. His lips were cut and bruised but neither of us cared. I pulled away with a smile plastered on my face and he smirked.

" Yeah, I want that too," he said, bring me in for another kiss.

I could really get used to this, like really get used to it. I can't wait to be annoying around the pack with this, it's going to be a lot of fun.

( You like? Hope you do, keep reading)

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