Chapter 4

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Scott's POV

" He's awake, are you sure, okay okay, I'm uh I'm coming," I say then hang up the phone. I turn to the rest of our pack who had already heard the conversation.

We run down the hall, about to pass through the exit from hell, but two girls get infront of us and we stop, almost tackling them to the ground. " Sorry, I uh didn't see you there," I say staring at the black and dirty blond haired girls. One of them is a wolf, I smell it in them.

I blink a few times before coming back to reality and going towards the door again. We get into the parking lot and decide to slit up. Jackson, Lydia and Erica go in Lydia's blue car, and Allison, Boyd and I squeeze into Alli's black car. Lydia leads the way to the hospital and we follow right behind her.

We arrive at the hospital and decide that we should go in one at a time, they let me go in first and I smile a huge ass smile running to the door and swinging it open.

" Oh my god," I say quickly and swing the door shut. Everyone looks at me with confused faces and I swallow hard, trying to forget the image that will probably scar me for as long as I shall live.

Stiles' POV

Shit. Shit shit shit shit! Scott is going to fucking kill Derek, I'm so fucked. Scott couldn't have walked in at a worse time. Derek was making out with me and slipped his hand under the hospital gown, giving me a hand job. I mean it felt good, fuck did it feel good but when Scott opened the door I was mortified, so was he, most likely more than me.

A knock on the door sounded and I looked down, Derek still had his hand on my cock and it took every fiber of my being to tell him to sit down. I got my self adjusted before clearing my throat telling them it was safe this time.

Scott walked in, his face pale and and he was giving the 'I will cut your balls off and feed them to you' look. " What the fuck did I just see," Scott's eyes never left mine, they were glowing red and I knew that one slip up and there would be someone else in this bed.

" Me making your best friend moan into my mouth as I squeezed his gigantic-" Derek started but Scott quickly shut him up with a punch to the face. When I heard the crack it reminded me of something. I can't quite put my finger on it but- That's it! I remember what happened, before we came to the hospital, why I ended up here in the first place. Danny, we just got in a fight for some stupid reason, we were in the bathroom when he punched my face, it hit my jaw but I remember hitting my head at some point the blacking out. This is my chance to break up with Danny.

Speak of the devil, he walks into the room, faking a worried expression and coming to my side. " McCall what's up with the red eyes?" Danny asks confused and I clear my throat.

" They're his new colored contacts but I think he is going to take them back later since they aren't working right," I lie. Derek and Scott let out a breath they were holding in and Scott's eyes go back to normal. Danny takes my hand and tries to kiss me but I turn away.

" No, Danny, we're done, I'm breaking up with you," I stay with a straight face.

Danny slaps my face making the bruises sting and opening an old cut." It's not my fault that you're a klutz and hit your head," he says.

" Do you see where I am right now, the bruises covering my body, the stitches on the side of my face, those are your fault, I'm not putting up with you anymore," I say in almost a whisper.

" We aren't done until I say we are, I don't care if you or anyone else fights back, you are coming to my house later, you look healthy enough to leave so don't pull that crap," Danny leaves the room.

" Scott can me and Derek have a minute? Please," I say, know Scott will probably just listen from outside but I don't care. He nods and walks out of the room.

" Derek, do you only want to be with me for sex?" I ask, I let a tear fall down my scared face as I look down to my lap.

" At first no, that's why I wanted to wait to tell you how I felt, I wanted to have actual feelings and I do now, I would never use you for sex. Your worth more than that Stiles, more that you'll ever know," he says, wiping away my my tears with his thumbs and lifting my chin up.

The nurse releases me from the hospital and I climb into Derek's shiny black Camero. He drives me home and walks me to the door. My dad his sitting on the couch when we walk in. He jumps up and brings me into a warm embrace. I pull back and remember Derek is still there.

" Well I need to go but I'll see you later Stiles, bye sheriff," Derek exits and I walk to my room. I lay on the bed and hear a knock on the window. I open it up and let Derek climb through. I take off his jacket, followed my his shirt and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a quick kiss before getting completely naked. Derek slides off his boxers and kneels down in front of me, taking in the head of my cock, making my toes curl as he slowly takes in all of me.

Fuck does it feel good, the way his tongue swirls around my cock, the way he gently bites on it, I try to keep from cuming just so it can go on longer, bad choice. Just as I cum into Derek's mouth, the door swings open, revealing an angry Danny. I rush to get clothes on, not caring about a shirt or underwear, I just need to cover my cock. Derek does the same thing, he keeps glancing over at me like we wants to make sure I'm okay.

Danny swings his fist at me but misses, I do what I should have done a long time ago and fight back, I jump onto him, tackling him to the ground, obviously taking him by surprise. I lift my fist and smash it into his nose, I repeat the action, even harder this time. I don't stop until Derek pulls me off of him, Danny is covered in blood. He stands up, spitting out some blood.

" Don't ever come here again, we are over Danny," I say as he walk away. " And don't forget to take your pill next time, I think your anger management classes aren't enough!" I add. I hear the door slam shut then footsteps running to my room. I push Derek out the window and hide the clothes as my dad swings the door open.

" What the hell happened!" My dad asks angry and I scoff.

" What happened? Well I finally defended myself, that's what, and I liked it because that little fucker had it coming!" I yell.

" Watch your language! I don't care if you were defending yourself or not that is not excepted in this house, I didn't not raise my child that way!" he yells back.

" YOU DIDN'T RAISE ME AT ALL!" the minute that left my mouth I regretted it. " Dad I'm sorry, I didn't-" I begin to say but he cuts me off.

" You're not my son, my son would never yell at me like that and he sure as hell isn't gay. So get the hell out of my house. My son understood why I wasn't there, I want him to come back, not you," My dad slams the door and gets in his car, driving away.

Can I even call him that, dad? Not anymore. I call the first person that comes to mind, he will always be there for me. " Hey Scott?" I say through the tears.

" Stiles, what's wrong?" he asks and I start sobbing.

" I need a place to say for, well a pretty long time, my dad kicked me out," I'm full out balling. He doesn't even hesitate before saying yes, that's why he's my best friend.

I grab all my clothes, none left in sight, I grab the picture of me and my mom and put that in the bag, I leave the house and get into my car, driving off to Scott's.

When I get there five minutes later he opens the door and gives me a huge hug, letting me cry in his shoulder. He lets me in and we go straight upstairs, Issac is sitting on his bed, he gives me a hug too, which is surprising since we aren't that close but still comforting.

" Stiles do you want to tell us what happened?" Scott asks softly.

I nod, let out a big sigh and begin the " Oh so tragic" story of how my dad kicked me out. He was all I had left, now what? I lost my mom, my dad, Aiden, and it was all my fault. Everything is my fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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