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Hey all!! Its been long time since I updated. Hope y'all still here! I would suggest to go through previous chapter just in case...if you don't remember story lmao. Sorry about not updating lately. I actually moved to another place and that's my i was very busy :( thank you for being so patient.

Yoongi's pov:-

I stare at the photo of hoseok that I took secretly for the first time. He was looking cute and was innocently sleeping. I remember that I was mad at my father for making me have a slave but still secretly took his photo as he was looking ....so ...tempting.

He was mine. All mine. I didn't want him back then. But now all i need is him. But i have already lost him. And i feel like it's all my fault. I should have listened to my father and kept him prisoned for me. Just for me.

I feel like I was wrong making him independent and teaching him about real life. I thought I was helping him but how would I know I would fall for him. And he would betray me.

Honestly I still can't believe how can that innocent boy played games like this. But when I saw him with Taehyung I couldn't think of anything else. Jealousy and rage filled me. I still gave him chance to speak up though and he f*cking accepted that he had kissed him!

"Yoongi! Its been three hours ! I gave you enough time... now open the f*cking door!" Namjoon yells from outside. He saw me in the morning and since then he is begging to see me. I don't want to. I am in the weakest state right now and i don't want anyone else to see me like this. And Its all because of hoseok.

"I am f*cking breaking the door!" He shouts. Grunting I finally stand up and open the door. "What the f*ck happened?!"he asks concerned.
I stay silent. He smells the room. "Have you been smoking too?!"

Ever since jimin and i left Taehyung's place, i have been drinking and smoking. Jimin left in middle of the night after driving me home and made me promise him, not to do anything shitty.
Since then I am just here staring blankly at empty space in room and hoseok's photo.

"Yoongi! You need to speak! Where is hoseok?!" Jin enters the room as well and sits near me on edge of the bed. I hold my head as I lean forward and close my eyes. "I need him" I mutter. "Where is hoseok?! What happened?!" He asks again patiently.

I tell him that Hoseok was cheating and we broke up. Jin pats on my shoulder, comforting me. He still believes hoseok won't do anything like that and says he has to talk to him. I don't feel there is any need though. Its over now.

Once again, i gave my full heart to someone and he shattered it into million pieces. Just like how siwon did few years ago.

I loved siwon. I gave him everything. But then i found all he wanted was money. He had already boyfriend and he f*cking used me. Since then I never had serious relationship. I wouldn't date. Sometimes I would do casual f*cks but everything changed because of hoseok.

I thought he was so innocent, he would never break my heart. But i was wrong! How did he let Taehyung kiss him! Taehyung is such a perv! He is already abusing jungkook, according to what jungkook told. And  still wants hoseok too!

I look at the food Namjoon and jin put in the room before leaving. I just don't feel like eating. I lay on the bed again. Not wanting to do anything. Mood. Bruh.

He was mine. Only mine to touch! My eyes filled with anger! I am gonna kill you Taehyung!

Hoseok's pov:-

"Come on seokie! You need to eat something!! You gotta be strong!" Taehyung says holding spoon of food in front of me.

I cried whole night and didnt know when I fell asleep. In morning Taehyung woke me up and now I am sitting here at table, knowing nothing about what to do. I want Yoongi!! I know he hates me now. He probably wont want to see me again. I f*cked up! I lost him.

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