she's silent

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In other eyes, it could be said that everything was going wrong in the world. For Jen, it was nothing but sunshines. Everyday after school, Jen would spend 15 minutes talking to the sun.. in her head of course. For Jen had no tongue. It was found strange by family, but of course, no one would say anything. You could say Jen was very optimistic, or hopeful. Sees the glass "half-full" and not "half-empty".

I call Jen delusional, and unknowing. Curious, and confused. She had no idea of the world around her. Having no tongue did not stop Jen from getting her point across. Who needs one of those anyway? Jen was excited to have no tongue! No tongue equals no accidentally saying anything she didn't mean. She saw that quite too much with her own mother. She would never want to make someone else feel the way her mother made her feel.

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