Chapter 5 More Charaters

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Mark went outside the usual spot to see what was going on and then he saw what was happing. Sifer was sturggling someone. "Sifer always think he can beat everyone" Hayner said with an edge to his voice. Pence handed mark the sea salt ice cream and he tasted it. "Wow. It's salty....but sweet" Mark said. "Hey that's exactly what Roxas said when he first had sea salt ice cream" said a voice behind them. Mark turned around, then almost had a heart attack. It was Axel. Mark screamed and ran the opposite direction. "What's up with that kid?" Asked Alex. Sora and Roxas knew exactly why Mark screamed. "He thinks you are evil" Roxas said. "How?" Asked axel. "I'm not with the organization any more" "ya...but Mark doesn't know that." Said Sora. They explained every thing to Axel. "So I'm guessing he just played the parts when I was in the organization." He said "I'm guessing that's it" Roxas said. They went to look for Mark, and they found him sitting on a bench in the sandlot.

"Hey Mark? Axel is not with the organization any more, he left it." Sora told Mark. Mark felt embarrassed. "Sorry that I ran from you Axel..." Mark apologized. "There is no need to apologize Mark." Axel said. "I probably would of ran from my self to" Axel joked. Every one laughed. Just then Mark saw Roxas in the corner of his eye, at least he thought it was Roxas. "Hey Roxas." Mark said. "I'm not Roxas." The Roxas look alike laughed. Mark was puzzled.

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