Chapter 12 heartless attack

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Sora was kissing Mark on the clock tower, Mark was enjoying every bit of it. "I love you Sora" Mark said. "I love you to Mark!"

Might start to fall, and Sora and Mark headed back to his place. Then they went in, brushed there teeth, and went to bed.

The next morning, Mark woke up, greeted by Sora, who happily kissed Marks forehead. Mark blushed. They went out to have breakfast Again.

"Hey Sora? When will the gummi ship be fixed?" Asked Mark. "In a couple of days" replied Sora. They finished there breakfast, and Mark went over to Ventus to chat, and Sora went back to the usual spot.

"Hey Mark!" Ventus said happily. "Hey ven! Ven, can I ask you a question?" Mark asked. "Sure!" Replied ven. "Why do you look like Roxas?" He asked. "'s a long story." Ventus said. "I will tell you the whole story tho." Ven told Mark the whole thing. "So Roxas is the nobody of Sora, and he was created from your heart?" Mark said a littel confused. "Well that would explain why he can wield two key blades!" He said. Mark talked with Ventus for a while more, then he went back over to the usual spot. He was about to enter when he heard Hayner and Sora talking.

"I did not know you where gay Sora!" Laughed Hayner. "I am not gay!" Yelled Sora. "Then why did Sifer have footage of you kissing Mark on the tower?" Sora was shocked about what he just heard. "No it's all a misunderstanding! I don't like mark, I don't like him at all! Why do you think I am trying to get him out of here!?" Sora did not know that Mark was right there listening. Sora turned around to see that Mark had tears coming down his face. "NO MARK I DID NOT MEAN IT!" but it was too late. Mark ran out crying, and now Sora was shedding tears. "Look at what you did now Hayner!" Sora said really pissed. "Hey I'm sorry! You should probably go to him." Hayner suggested. Sora ran out the usual spot, and found Mark sitting on bench, drowning in tears. Sora walked over to him

Sora sat down next to Mark, putting his arm around him and kissed him gently. "Mark I'm sorry for what I said. I did not mean it." Mark just sniffed. Sora was about to say something else when they heard a familiar voice. "Hey! If it isn't twilight towns first gay couple!" Sifer walked up to them. "What do you want Sifer? That was really rude how you recorded us like that!" Sora's face was turning red. Sifer pushed Sora on the ground, Mark got up and slapped Sifer in the face causing him fall on the ground. "Sora are you ok?" Sora cringed in pain. "My arm" he said. "I think it's broken" just about then, something strange started to happen. Sifer got up, but then HEARTLESS appeared. "How is that possible!?" Sora yelled. Sora couldn't fight because of his broken arm. He summoned the key blade in his other hand. "Mark take this" Mark looked at Sora scared. "I can't use your key blade!" He said. "Oh shut up, you know you want to" Sora giggled. That was true, Mark always wanted to hold his key blade but never got the chance to ask him. He took they key blade and started to attack the heartless. He attacked one by one, and finally, there where no more heartless. Mark walked over to Sora and aimed the key blade at Sora's arm. "HEAL!" Mark yelled. Sora's arm was not broken anymore. Mark helped Sora up and Mark kissed Sora this time. They both walked back to the usual spot happy.

Guess you can say that Mark is a better healer than Donald.....

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