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Makenzie's POV

"No you're lying to me!" Said Maddie after I told her what happened at school.

"I'm not joking, they broke up!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"So, if I ask Nadia and Johnny they'll tell me the same thing?"


"Are you fucking blind! You dumbass, you just broke up your two best friends, for your own dumbass ass needs!" She yelled.

"No I didn't! All I did was end an episode of a mature version of girl meets world!"

"You bitch! You just ended the whole damn series!"

"You're over exaggerating, they just broke be- oh now I get it!"

"Finally, now go fix it you airhead!"

"I'm sorry I broke you two up!" I said walking into Nadia's room.

"Kenzie calm down, what are you talking about?" She said, leading me to her bed and gesturing me to sit down.

"I broke you and Johnny up. I don't want to break up Jadia!"

"Kenzie, you didn't break us up. We broke up because of reasons that you'll have to hear from Johnny."

"What happened?"

"I don't think you should hear it from me. Ask Johnny, he'll know what I'm talking about.

"Great, now I'm gonna have to run across town and make another dramatic entrance."

"John, what the fuck is Nadia talking about!" I yelled, making another dramatic entrance.

"Did she tell you?!" He said, seeming alarmed.

"No, but you have to tell me the real reason you to broke up."

"Umm...here it goes...I'm...moving to Toronto."

"Haha! That was a good one! Saying that you're moving to Canada!"

"I'm not lying, bitch do you really think I would lie to you."

"Yes." I said nodding my head.

"Name one time I lied to you!"

"Zallie and Zoey."

"Okay maybe I have lied to you, but I'm not lying right now."

"You fucking sad ass liar." I said shaking my head in disappointment.

"I wish I was lying!"

"Wait, you're actually serious?"

"Yeah! That's what I've been trying to tell you!"

"Whe- when are you leaving?"

"In about three days." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"What! How long were you keeping this from me!"

This crazy ass mother fucker. There is no way in hell he's leaving.

"For almost a month."

"What the fuck! Bitch, are you dumb! You've kept this from me for about a month?!"

"Did you forget you locked yourself in your room for almost a month! I would've told you, but you were just locked up in your room."

"Okay not the point! My question is why is your family moving in the first place!"

"Because that's where Darian works and we have more family in Toronto."

"You can't just leave me."

End of chapter

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