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After two weeks of staying in the hospital bed, I was allowed to leave. I didn't know at first where I was going to be transferred, but I later found out that I was going to be staying at the castle instead of the hospital ward. I have been staying at the castle for three weeks and things were going well. It's like life finally decided to give me a break that was terribly needed.

I did not know if I should be happy or sad, because I was finally receiving some good treatment; however, I had a feeling that the relaxation I was living in was not going to last for long. I had a feeling that things were going to turn into a big chaos. This would never last. Once my secret was out, I was going to be thrown into the hurricane again.

I have been doing my best lately, attempting to hide the truth that I held inside of me. If somebody found out my secret, I might end up getting killed in the most merciless way because in the eyes of the vampires and witches, I was nothing but pure evil walking on earth. Death would be my fate one way or another.

I still remember the tough childhood I had because of something I did not choose to obtain. In books, what I had was classified as a gift, but in real life, it was nothing but a curse. Books were hypocrites; they called what I had a gift, yet they warned all creatures of my kind, describing me as if I was a nuclear bomb. My childhood consisted of hiding and running away, always being afraid of getting caught. If only I could just get rid of that curse that had turned my life into nothing but a living hell...

My parents and I lived most of our lives hiding, moving a lot between the neutral territories between empires, doing our best to avoid getting caught. Until one night, James found us coincidentally and he discovered my gift, so he killed my parents and took me, not even giving me the chance to say goodbye. I spent a year at his empire being tortured in every cruel way.

Not a lot of people knew why vampire healers couldn't heal a human, but I knew because I have been healed by a vampire before. When I was a two-year-old little girl, my family and I used to live normally in an empire that my parents refused to tell me its name. I fell sick, just like many kids, but the emperor of that empire, who was a healer, sympathized with me because according to what my parents told me, he loved me so much as if I was a child of his own. He healed me, but then he told my parents that they needed to run away, so he would not get in trouble and they did, being grateful for curing their only daughter and breaking the law for her sake. They never understood why he wanted that until they discovered that when he healed me, his blood made me resistant to any vampire's power; I was an armour or a cover, whatever it shall be named. In that case, the names had been never important; the outcome was the main focus. 

According to the legends and books, I was a forbidden creature, I shall not walk on earth because I might cause an imbalance in the whole world. Witches would kill me if they found out that I existed. If many people like me existed, witches thought that we would cause a great threat to vampires. Witches wouldn't want any harm to happen to vampires because, although they were the judges of the world, they sometimes sided with them over werewolves; our judges were biased. Werewolves liked to live with their own kind, they did not want anyone to be involved in their lives or maybe they were never offered the chance.

I heard a knock on the door of my new room which made me sit up in bed as I was lying down. "Come in," I said a bit loudly.

Olivia opened the door and walked inside with a smile on her face. She was really beautiful, any girl would be jealous of her beauty. Her long wavy hair fell perfectly down her back, passing her waist. Her blue eyes had a natural glow. Her face seemed to be sculpted by a Greek god. She was flawless.

"Hey... Would you like to go for a walk with me?" she asked me. She was so kind and generous towards me, making me feel bad for lying to her. I wanted to tell her about my true identity because I felt that I could trust her, but something inside of me made me stop. I couldn't risk it.

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