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*****3rd person POV*****

It's been a weeks since the 4 prince declare their future prince.

Jackson and Taehyung stay in Golden Moon Pack for Jungkook and Hoseok.

Mark and Yoongi stay in Siren Moon Pack for Jimin and Bambam.

Jungkook lay in Taehyung bed waiting for the vampire arrival.

He groan and sweat all over he's body.

He's on he's heat.

"Fuck where are you!!"-Jungkook.

Then the door of Taehyung room open revealing the hot and handsome vampire.

"Oh~ need any help baby boy"-Taehyung smirk.

Jungkook pin the vampire on the wall and kiss him roughly.

"Easy there Wolfy"-Taehyung said pushing Jungkook on the bed.

"Fuck! Stop teasing me and you do what I'm going to say!!!"-Jungkook said.

Taehyung look at the alpha amuse.

"Jungkook I don't listen to any commands, I do the commands"-Taehyung lean on the door with cross arms.

Jungkook eyes turn gold to show he's dominance.

"submit to me!"-Jungkook-

"I won't and I'll never be I'm a prince I don't submit to someone specially to a werewolf, if your anger enough you can submit to me"-Taehyung said calmly

"I'm an alpha I don't submit to someone and specially I won't submit on you just because your the Prince Vampire"-Jungkook-

"Then this talk is over"-Taehyung-

"Fuck you!!"-Jungkook groan and felt pain all over he's body.

Taehyung look at Jungkook its pain him seeing he's love in pain but Jungkook is so ignorant plus he's a Prince.

"Ahhhh!!"-Jungkook roll in Taehyung bed tearing he's cloths cause it's suffocating him.

Taehyung look at Jungkook eyes.

"Sleep"-Taehyung snap he's finger and Jungkook fall asleep but a minutes later Jungkook groan in he's sleeps.

Taehyung see the hurt in Jungkook sleeping face.

"It didn't work"-Taehyung said when he see Jungkook wake up.

"Please mate"-Jungkook begged.

Taehyung move close to Jungkook and kiss him sweetly.

"I want to mark you"-Jungkook said.

"Go on"-Taehyung said.

Jungkook sunk he's teeth in Taehyung smooth neck.

Taehyung felt arouse but still he can control it.

Jungkook in other hand felt like drugged.

When vampires,werewolf or anyone who taste vampire blood specially when its a Royal blood the person well felt like drugged and arouse for that vampire.

Jungkook lick Taehyung neck to finish the mating.

"Taehyung"-Jungkook said seductively and kiss Taehyung.

"I won't be a bottom Jungkook"-Taehyung said and Jungkook whimper he's not in a perfect mind, he's in he's heat then he taste Taehyung blood.

"I want you please mate"-Jungkook whimper.

"Is it really hurt that much?"-Taehyung ask worried.

"Yes! Fucking hurt!"-Jungkook groan clutching to Taehyung.

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