Chapter 15

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Sadie's POV

"you with the pink shirt" i say pointing to a girl security hands her a mic

"hi, im a huge fan by the way but i was wondering are you dating any of the boys?" the girl asks

"i get asked this question every MAGCON..." i stop i look at Cam "no i'm not" i say im really confused because sometines we act like a couple and we've been on dates but Cam never asked me to be his girlfriend...

"you with the curly brown hair"Matt says

>>> we answered about 8 questions when i heard the question i was dreading

"is it true that it's Sadie's last MAGCON" a fan asked

"yes it's my last MAGCON... i'm really gonna miss you guys" i say looking at the boys and mahogany sitting beside me

"AAAAAAAWWW GROUP HUG!" Taylor yells we all group hug 

"also i have another routine i'd like to do its a little slower and sad because its my last event and i'm very sad about it" i say the fans scream and cheer

the boys step aside but stay on the stage Mahogany turns on the music Bastard by Tyler the Creator starts playing i start by just listening to the beat

i end it by walking to the side of the stage i see Cam with tears in his eyes

"aaaww Cam don't be sad" i said hugging him

"im just really gonna miss you" he replies

"im going to miss you too!!" i say i wrap my legs around his waist and kiss his cheek 

we then do our usual dance off and fool around for a bit then say good bye to fans 

we walk up to our hotel while i was walking to mine Cam stops me

"hey Sadie i was wondering i-if you want to be my g-g-girlfriend?" Cam stutters itching the back of his neck (thats what he does when hes nervous)

"Cam i would love to be your girlfriend but i'm leaving to Vancouver tonight and you're going to be touring still" i say sadly 

"but i could come visit and you could come visit me then we could move in together" Cam says

"where would we move?" i ask

"LA" he says

"i have to get my green card first" i say sadly i mean i have to get a job

"make youtube your full time job" Cam says

"alright ill be your Girlfriend" i cheer

Cam jumps pick me up and spins me around

"will you teach me how to dance?" Cam asks

"i'll teach when we get that new apartment" i sink kiss him then go into my room to pack and get ready for my flight

The Dancer (Magcon FanFiction) (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now