Introduction to Composition 3 - 2013.8.21

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Let me give you some background on the story. About a year ago, my mom found some of my writings, and bascially told me off, saying that I shouldn't write during high school, being just really negative. It was during the summer before my senior year, and my cousins were over at my house. I was really upset, so I trashed all my writings and tossed every book that inspired me to write, was tossed out of my room. It wasn't a smart move, but I have no regrets.

After that day, which was in June, my brain began to become closed to the world of writing. I made my first Composition (which was a mini letter to the world) on the 18th. I stopped writing for two months, when I began writing Compositions. Compositions are just a one-shot story. It can be as long as I want it to be as long as it is one scene. I started composing them on August 19, writing one per day. This particular Composition is the third one. I wrote in during school, in my math class, cause I had free time.

I just let my mind flow and this is what was created. It's a fanfiction, not of anime characters or TV shows, but of actual human beings in a Jrock band (hint: for those who don't know, it's An Cafe). I didn;t realize what I was writing until I finished. If you don't really care for fanfiction, then read something else, and please do not leave hateful comments. I am a little sensitive. For those that do care, I apologize for the angst. Didn't know it was gonna go that way.

Slight warning: smoking, and a little cursing (I try not to use curse words in my stories; this is a one-time offense)

Thanks for letting me take up some of your time, by reading this. I just felt like I needed to explain this before you read it. If you do like this, and want all of the Compositions, just leave a comment, and I'll do it. Thanks,

Miki Ryn Carey

Composition 3 - 2013.8.21Where stories live. Discover now