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(My idea, only short) 

George trudged through the dark cavern, scared shitless as the extended tunnels creaked. The wind groaned behind him, his hand shaky as he stumbled around the abandoned rail tracks. Flashlight in hand, he started his way down a new tunnel, soon getting hit with an unbearable stench. "Jorel...?". He cooed, stumbling into what seemed to be some large cavern. He flicked his eyes around, darkness. The only thing that lit the area was his dim flashlight, which guided him through, though he stumbled. As he collided with the ground, he felt something drip onto his forehead. Liquid trickled down his already sweat covered forehead, he picked himself up and aimed the flashlight above him. He let out a shrill scream at what hung before him. 

Jorel's presumably lifeless body hung from a large hook that dug through the back of his head, out of his mouth and back through his eye. Blood ran down his face as his lifeless eyes stared down at George. His limbs hung on by only threads of tendons, blood dripped down his still twitching fingers. Maggots writhed and squirmed in Jorel's still warm flesh, spiders crawled through his hair and down his face, it was unbearable for George to see. George's heart ached at the sight, his husband, hanging there lifeless, clothes torn and draping down his body. Tears swelled in his red eyes, and soon started racing down George's face. He collapsed to his knees and broke down, head smashing down against an already rusty and blood stained rail track. Loud creaks and darkness was all that surrounded him and his now deceased husband. He knew he had done it, and he knew he couldn't control the beast inside of him. Standing up, George dropped his flashlight and wrapped his sweat covered hand around a large, nail covered pole. He raised it high above his head and crashed it down, his skull cracked and caved in as the pole dug itself deep into his head. He couldn't live knowing what he'd done to the only person he'd loved, and the last thing he remembers seeing, was memories flashing past his foggy eyes of moments he'd had with his smiling, bubbly husband... 

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