Chapter 1

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You were at your friend Ino's house you were all having the time of your life dancing like no one's watching.

Busting moves that no one ever could.

"GIRLS! GATHER AROUND THAT'S OUR SONG!" Ino screamed on top of her lungs

Err… she doesn't look so sober. Nor does Sakura.. ACTUALLY NONE OF YOU ARE SOBER!

"HAHAHAHA! YES GIRL! " you also screamed.

A few minutes have passed and you went to grab a drink.

Surprisingly Ino really went overboard with it, she even hired a bar tender- a really HOT one to say the least.

"Hey there" the bar tender said.

"Oh hey!" You replied in a low voice.

"What can I get you?, beautiful" He asked in a calm yet sexy voice.

"(Favorite drink), please"

Not gonna lie- he's pretty hot.

The boy turned around to get you your drink and you couldn't stop staring at his juicy , toned A$$.

he turned around and caught you staring.

"Genes you know?" The Boy said before laughing.

You on the other hand starting blushing like CRAZY.

You were about to faint before he started talking again.

"Anyways, I'm Shikamaru, what's your name?" He asked.

You gulped before replying "(Y/N)! My name is (Y/N) ,heh".

The boy giggled at at how awkward and embarrassed you were

"So, are you Ino's friend?…..Or are you someone's plus one?" He asked.

You sighed before replying "yeah, I'm her friend. In fact we've been friends before we could even grow a full set of teeth!"

The Boy laughed hysterically "You're a funny one aren't ya? But I've never heard Ino talk about you?"

"Oh?  Is that so?" You replied.

But why would him and Ino talk?  Do they know each other?.

Another person walks up to the bar and starts ordering a drink.

Suddenly you felt the grip of a hand on your shoulder.

You turn around to see two very familiar faces "CHOJI!!  NARUTO!" you screamed out of excitement.

"it's been ages since I've seen YOU guys!!" You said loudly.

"Yeah, it has been a while" Choji said.


This is why you're friends with this knucklehead.

You giggled before Naruto screamed "HEY! IS THAT YOU SHIKAMARU? LONG TIME NO SEE MAN!!".

"Oh, hey there Naruto, Chojiii my man!" Shikamaru said.

You looked at them all confused.

"Wait, wait sooo.. You all know each other?" You asked.

"Yeah Shika's is one of my best friends!" Naruto answered while Choji nodded.

"So.. You know them too?  Tsk you guys never told me you were so popular around here" Shikamaru said.

"Especially around pretty girls" he continued.

The sentence made your face Heat up but you hid it.

Not long after this was said you heard Ino's voice.


You look behind you to see your old friend Kiba carrying Ino Hinata helping him, while the rest were just barely able to walk.

Kiba was your childhood friend, You two were neighbors. And his mom was your dog's first owner.

You and Kiba went to the same school, played together, ate together, studied together, but unfortunately you had to move to a different place because the company your father worked in had just closed recently.

Not to forget the most important part, along your journey of knowing him, you grew on him and started developing Feelings for him.

You felt nostalgic by just looking at him.

Kiba finally noticed you.

"N-no way!…  is that really you (Y/N)?" Kiba asked in shock.

"Damn!  I haven't seen you in like…. Years" Kiba stated.

"Yeah, I know right!  Like you've grown so much , wonder if that attitude of yours grew up as well?" You aaked sarcastically before giggling.

"Ha! Not a chance, I'm still the old me!" He replied confidentially.

'I hope so, Kiba' you thought to yourself.

"Thanks Kiba, I'll take her frome here" Not so sober Sakura said.

"As you wish, I also have things to catch up about with (Y/N)" Kiba said carefully placing drunk Ino on drunk Sakura's shoulder.

Gosh, this can't be good.

"So… long time no see, were have you been (Y/N)?" Kiba asked.

"On my way, minding my own business in the path of life" You replied sarcastically before giggling a bit.

"Mmhm, deep shit as always, you're doing good." Kiba also replied sarcastically.

"So where did you really-" Kiba was cut off by Ino throwing up right next to everyone.

Seeing that happen made you sick too.

"Guys I better head home too you know" You said.

"But why? " They all asked in one breath.

"I'm a little sick, that's all" You replied.

"Wait, I'll take you there" Shikamaru said.

"Not a chance buddy, I'm the one who should give her a ride home! " Kiba argued.

"Oh?  and why's that?" Shikamaru asked angrily.

"Step aside, gentlemen, I'm the one she trusts the most, dont you (Y/N)?… " Naruto jumps into the mix.

You looked at them three frustrated and lost between the choices

You found yourself zoning off, thinking about what's gonna happen if you only accepted one of them, how the rest are gonna feel…

It was a harsh decision, but you had to make the call…

Your friend?

Your childhood friend & crush?

Or the really hot bartender?

Torn Between Two Sides (Kiba X Reader X Shikamaru)Where stories live. Discover now