Secrets chapter 3

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Dad's home.

"Honey it;s time to get up..." arrggghhh who is that?? "Natalie wake up or you'll be late for school." I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad smiling down at me, but it was a smile filled with sadness. "Daddy your home" i smiled for the first time in a week. "Honey are you ok?? I came home to be told by an Officer Ridges that you fainted." confused. "What are you talki-" and it was like whatever i was going to say died in my throat. All the memories came flooding back. "so i'm guessing by that look you remember??" I nodded."She's gone daddy." I said my voice cracking his eyes started swelling up with unshed tears. It broke my heart more than hearing of- never mind. I'm scared if i touch him he'll break into a million pieces, but i just couldn't help myself i grabbed him and started suffocating him in one of my signature bone crushing bear hugs. He immediately started sobbing. "How could i have left her?? She was my mate, you know??" i looked at him funny. "Daddy what are you talking about??" His face only showed sorrow. " She was my soul mate...My one and only true love. I should've been there for her!! I wasn't' there when she was breathing in her last breathe...I could've saved her from him. I should'nt have let her convince me to leave her alone without protection. She did that on purpose, how did i not see that!?" He had this pained but distant look while he continued to ramble. "whose he?? what you talking about??" I asked. "I need to head off too work now and be safe, stay home if you need too. Jus-" Sighing he stood up. "Just don't trust anyone, but me or yourself. This world is a bad place filled with bad people who hurt innocent people for fun. I'm sorry, but it's the truth...Your mom is a perfect exampleof how cruel this world can be. Always keep an eye out and please trust noone. I gotta go. I love you sweetheart." And with that he kissed my forehead and left without a second glance.

How odd...


6 months later...

I can't eat. Can't sleep. All i do is think...think about her smile. her laugh. her eyes. just her everything, i miss her. I miss her so much that there's honestly a hollow space in my heart. My father is no different were still close, but just not the same as before. All we ever really do is about how her "leaving" effects us. It's weird, but i'd pick it over being alone any day. Especially since dad has been going on more frequent "business" trips leaving me to myself, except every time he comes home he's bloody or bruised. This one time i had to pick him up from the hospital and when i asked him what happened he said he got into a drunken bar fight. I would believe him except for the fact that's always his excuse. I know he's hiding something, but i just don't know what.

"Daddy are you up...??" i slowly open his bedroom door. "Yes, sweetheart. Come in..." I enter to see him sitting on his bed photo album in hand." Hey" I gave him a soft smile. "How are you holding up today?? anything new??" i shook my head and sat next too him. "Dad, i'm worried about you...Why won't you tell me where you go on these supposed business trips of yours??" He groans while rubbing his face. "Come on Nat, not this again...I told you they're just drunken bar fights. No need to worry it wont happen again." I'd like to believe him, but he said that last time and the time before that and the time before that. How do i still trust this man?? I stare at him for the longest time trying to think of how to respond, but i don't know how. So i just get up and start heading to the door. "Oh Nat, where are you going??" I don't spare him a glance opening the his bedroom door i walk out. "Nat answer me." he spoke. "to a bar or some place i can get drunk...alone." i spat. "Nat we all know your lieing and i'm your father don't lie to me, you don't have to go it alone..." he said softly. I couldn't help the lone tear that fell from my watery eyes. I turned to look at him straight in the eyes. "You know...all i ever wanted was the truth,.." his eyes soften. "Nat i'd never intentionally lie to you..." I laughed at the statement, but the laugh was filled with bitterness. "All you ever do is lie. You lie to me all the's like hiding the truth is easier than facing it. You hide behind your lies...I don't think you've spoken truth since she died." i shouted. "Nat that's not true. You know it's not..." he looked hurt by my statement, but i meant every word, "Of course it's true!! You can't face the truth so you hide it...from me, from your friends, from yourself, maybe even from mom...Did mom know the truth??" My voice was getting higher and higher. I could feel my anger building up. "So don't lie to me!! because you say i'm not alone, but who do i really have?? huh, daddy?? Do i have you...because every time i see you all i think is deceit. Every time i ask you something you lie. I'm your damn daughter and you have the audacity to tell me not to lie to you when all i've ever been was honest....So like i said i'm going to a bar and i'm going to get drunk." i turned walking down the stairs, grabbing my keys and wallet. "But it's 11am" he exclaimed. "so?? i rather be alone in a crowded room, than spend my time with the man i trust the most, but he cant show me that liberty...i'm still alone either way." i replied trying to keep my voice firm, but it comes out shaky. "Honey, don't leave your my baby girl and i know you don't mean anything you said you were angry, i get it. Just please don't leave." he pleaded. My back still facing him. "No Micheal i am not your baby girl...and i did mean what i said, every words i spoke was the truth." pausing "I'll give you one chance and one chance only...where have you been every time you come home hurt??" He sighs. "I've told you already why wont you believe me??" shaking my head. "you never do get tired of your lies...Do you?? I'm sorry to tell you this...but i just can't live like this anymore. I'm going to find out your secrets and when i do i'll tell you why i saw through your little act and for now this is good-bye. I hope the secret was worth a loss of a daughter."

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