Second Date (pt 2)~Chapter 19

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You stood on top of the drawbridge while N hugged you close.  You slowly reached your arms up to hug him back and gently embraced him. You dug your face into his chest before mumbling out, "So, you're not upset with me for hiding it?"

You could feel his chest vibrate as he laughed out, "Of course not, I'm actually really happy because I thought I was alone with this gift."

You and N stop hugging and head towards Driftveil hand-in-hand before you decide to test the waters one last time, "Are you sure you're not upset... I've never told anyone except a few people.  I feel bad for not telling you sooner."

N squeezes your hand in reassurance before answering, "Of course I'm not mad, I doubt anyone else with our ability would openly share it like I do."

"I guess you're right."

Your pokemon were warming up in your bag, and N's Zorua was now riding in his hood and sharing his various experiences with N.

"So, when we got to the cashier, it turns out we were about 20-pokedollars short and so N had to take the walk of shame to the ramen aisle and put back 4 bags!  You should have seen how red his face was! It was darker than my fur! Haha!"

You found his zorua, who was an almost complete opposite of your shiny zorua, very carefree and full of embarrassing N stories.

N was not enjoying his zorua's rants like you were, he kept interjecting the stories, "That's not how it happened!" and "Zorua don't tell her that!"

You both had almost fully crossed the bridge when you heard a commotion ahead and saw three figures arguing and a few distanced voices.

As you got closer and closer, you realized it was Clay arguing with the two boys you met earlier, 
Cheren and Hugh.  You quickly tried to drag N off to the side of the bridge to hide behind one of the columns, but he was already trying to drag you there to hide.

"N, do you not want Clay to see you either?"

N shakes his head and says, "No, who is Clay? It's the two boys with the older man that I don't want to see me.  They always want to fight me for some reason."

You were surprised to hear that, they seemed really nice when you met them earlier. 

"Do you mean Cheren and Hugh? They seemed really nice earlier today..."

"Forget about them, why are you hiding from the older guy, (y/n)?"

You gave N a quick synopsis of your past with Ryan, and his connection to Clay. "Oh, so this 'Ryan' guy is the reason why you don't want to be here."

N grabbed your hand and gave you a smile before saying, "I won't let him near you, ok?  I promise you're safe with me."

You give N a big smile and you both peak around the corner and see the three are walking towards the city now. 

N leads you off the bridge and towards a farmers market located in town.

"Ok, we need to get a few supplies and then we can head to the place I wanted to take you, ok?"

You nod and get a small list of things N wanted and went to work.

1/2 gal.-Moomoo Milk

1lbs-Oran Berries

1lbs-Cherri Berries

1 Revival Herb 

What on earth is he planning to make?  

You easily found all four items and then buy them from the different vendors.  You have lampent carry the Moomoo milk for you so it doesn't bust the small brown bag you have.  You spot N's green hair among the crowd and head towards him before you feel someone grab your arm.

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