The Great Escape! (pt. 1) ~ Chapter 36

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You were partially paralyzed, crying, and sea-sick.

According to a small clock on the wall, the Ferry had set into motion around forty-five minutes ago at 12:15 PM.  Even if you had regained your mobility, you'd have to unlock the door somehow, and then find a way back to shore.  But, the shore would be too far to swim to, and wild pokemon this far out to sea could be unpredictable around humans.

So, facing defeat... you cried, and cried, and cried until you had no more tears left.

"R-Reshiram..."  You didn't know how exactly this worked, but you thought about Reshiram and clenched your eyes shut as you laid helplessly on the bed.

"...If you can hear me *sniffle* or whatever... please find me... I-- I can't move yet, but I'm on a boat heading to Alola... *Sniffle* I want to stay and help though!"

You weren't sure if your cries would even be heard, but you had hope that Reshiram would come after you if the stone was with you!

Now, you were laying down, testing the new found-movement of your finger-tips.  You could see your fingers responding to your attempts at moving, and as far up your leg as your ankles. In about 10 minutes, you might regain full mobility again.

So you waited, movement in your body increased inch by inch as it neared closer to your joints.  

Eventually, you could sit up in the bed and bend your legs, but when you tried to stand, you fell to the floor and hit your head on the wooden planks.  Your arms didn't move enough to catch your fall and now your head had a slight throb to it.

Feeling helpless again, you wept.  You were a pile of aching limbs resting on the floor with tears dripping slowly from your eyes.

Why was everything against you getting to N!  Why now! 

Did fate not want you to save N?  Did it not want you to save Unova?

You were lying on the ground crying in confusion when you heard the door click unlocked.  You screamed to whoever was coming to check on you, "Go away! Leave me alone!"

Whoever was there didn't listen to you so you turned towards the door in anger and spat out, "I SAID LEAVE Me... be--"

The door opened to reveal no one.  It was empty... you crawled across the floor to the door and looked out into the hallway.  There were no children playing in the halls or adults patrolling.  You were going to try to stand up when you felt something grab your leg and slowly drag you from the door.  You turned your head and prepared a scream, but what you saw made you cry from happiness.


You scooted towards the large Zoroark who held up a claw to her mouth before saying, "Shh, human... I'm not supposed to be here."

She closed the door and sat down on the floor next to you before she asked, "What did they do to you?  You're a mess."

You pushed your hair aside from your neck and showed her the small puncture wound before saying, "Let's just say they made sure I was on this boat...  And then I hit my head.  Then I started crying like a big baby." 

You wiped a few tears before you saw your Zoroark grimace at the small puncture on your neck.  You had a feeling she was blaming herself for what had happened to you, if only she were there-- Oh, right!

"Blue, how did you get out of your Pokeball?"

You saw the pokemon give you a smirk before she said, "I was never in it, I made an illusion that seemed like I was forced in, but no one saw me leave before they trapped the ice demon and Lampy."

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