Chapter 3: "Back In Steinfold's Case"

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She's driving. She stares outside the window and the sun is gone. Its only 10:00 o'clock and the sky is cloudy. She takes a deep breath and thinks about the book.

David wants a great book. A book that should be amazing. Ceasor and aqua are the best companies. They've great employees. In fact Hannah wanted to do job in Aqua but it couldn't possible. So shw got job here in Marcus's. How will she write that book? Will she be able to do it?

Hannah is a kind of girl who never underestimated herself. She is loyal and pure with her work, passionate about it. But the sudden and shocking news has made her stomach twisted.

She thinks that dad went yesterday to the lawyer and he gave a lot of money to him to win their case. The home in which they're living is everything for her family. The home that is her congenitals. The home in which she spent her almost 20 years. The home in which she grew up. The home she celebrated her birthdays. The home in which she shared her happiness and sorrows. Now this house is going to lose. She doesn't even know what will happen if they lose their house what will they do? Where they'll go?

Six months ago, a guy of her father's age named Michael Nicholas came from nowhere and claimed that the house was his. He told them to sign the papers that her father and grandfather should be agreed on his claim. But of course why would they sign on those papers after all they knew that the house he was claiming for his wasn't actually his, it was their's.

He pushed the case to the court and as a matter of fact her father and grandfather also hired a lawyer. But the case was actually complicated as it appeared. In fact it looked inextricable. Michael claimed that his father George who's now dead wrote in his bequest papers that Jackson's house was his, because Steinfold signed the papers when he had to pay the loan when Steinfold's mother was suffering from disease cancer. He didn't have enough money to pay for the bills. So he borrowed money from his friend George who was with him in the army.

It was long time ago when it happened. Steinfold remembered that he gave him his money back and didn't tell George that he'll give his house to him. It was a bluff that George told his son. He also said that Steinfold killed George's brother.

Steinfold at the time thought that maybe he just wanted revenge. Steinfold told his son Matthew that George was also a gambler and he was caught while playing two times and third time he was suspended from his job, that's how he lost his job. He gave the money he won from gambling and than he told Steinfold that he will give pay usury not the actual money. As for Steinfold at that time he was poor, very very poor. He did alot of jobs too to pay his money back. And he did. This was just his revenge.

Steinfold payed his money back. After some time when Steinfold was married, from nowhere George introduced his brother Kyle, an adopted child. Although he never told Stein that he had a brother. He seemed to be the nice guy but one day he found Kyle in his house tempting his wife Patricia while Patricia was trying to save herself. When Steinfold saw that he grabbed him by his collar and slapped him.

Kyle took his gun from his jeans and pointed towards his wife in anger. He told Steinfold that he'll kill Patricia unless he'll let her wife for one week with him. He tried to get back with his wife when George took his gun too from his pocket and warned him to leave his wife alone. But he didn't but when Steinfold tried to grab her he got shot in his arm and Patricia got hit with the door. She tried to save him but Kyle grabbed her again, at that time Steinfold shot Kyle. And his aim was too clear towards his head afterall he was an army officer.

After that he called police and told the whole story to police, gave statements and those who saw kyle doing this. And police let him go. It was a clear case. While stein was unconcious before the statement, he didn't remember but he thought that maybe George got his fingerprint on the house papers. But he still doesn't know how George got the papers. It all happened in the past.

She comes back from her thoughts and stops the car in front of the porch. She remains in car thinking what will she tell her mother when she'll ask? She'll easily know what's going on her mind.

Mothers are mothers, every mother easily knows what happened to her kid. She tries to think a lie. She thinks that she'll say it was just a normal talk. David wanted to know about her next book.

She gets out of the car. She's still out of her mind. She knocks and her mother opens the door. She instantly becomes tense while seeing her mother's face.


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