Chapter 12 : Found The Story.

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Someone knocks on the door. And hannah gets a jerk reading the diary. Yes? She asks closing the diary and putting it under the pillow. "We have a guest, come downstairs. " aunt Rachel says from outside. Coming she replies.

Diana... She thinks. Story of diana. Diana grace. What a beautiful name it sounds. She seems more interested in the story. What it would be? How she will meet that person? All the thoughts written in the diary were pure and written through the core of heart. Those words " Life gets very long sometimes" hit her hard deep down. The scars, the pain... She could feel it. She wants to read more and more until it ends. "Hurry up" she listens aunt rachel roaming aeound and saying.

Hannah huffs. And goes downstairs.

She sees someone's back sitting on the sofa in the drawing room. Its a boy. She goes inside. She immediately becomes aware about her appearance. She puts the hoodie down from her head. She's wearing sweatshirt and hoodie. She turns back while aunt Rachel stops her.

"Where are you going? " she asks.

"Amm no- nowhere." "Go inside I'm going to grocerie store. And your mom is busy making dinner." She nods and aunt Rachel leaves.

She enters and comes forward. Her eyes meet the same grey orbs. Thick lashes she saw once in the store. She becomes surprised and the person arose a brow and becomes surprised too.

"Hey you? " he says in a low voice.

She arose a brow at him you? Saying the same.

He pays a soft smile and offers a hand. She smiles back and shakes her hand with him. She gestures him to sit.

She sits in front of him. Still glasses on, she feels herself underestimated about her appearance.

"I didn't know you are our tenant. " he says softly. She notices the smile on his face and a dimple on his cheek. She finds it attractive.

Feeling shy she replies " And I didn't know you were the owner"

"Uh no. I'm not. Actually my mom is" he immediately corrects her.

She arose her brows and nods.

"Here. " her mother enters with two cups of coffees and her special handmade chocolate cookies.

"Enjoy " she says and leaves.

Hannah gets surprised when she sees her mother leaving. She shrugs anyways.

Please. She offers.

"Thank you " he replies calmly while taking the cup. He puts the leg over the other and leans back a little than she notices his clothes, looking like he just came from his work. This time he is wearing a proper suit of dark grey color that matches his eyes. Wearing black perfectly cleaned shoes that shines like a mirror. His other arm resting on the arm of chair. His eyes shine and twinkles.

She feels awkward as she takes one sip of coffee and it burns her throat a little leaving a sweet taste.

"Oh pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Hannah. " she shyly replies. Her cheeks turning in pink as she smiles.

"Hannah? " he asks. For a moment she did not get it but then she realizes he was asking is full name.

"Hannah Maria Jackson " she replies

"What an engimatic name you have like your personality. " he stares in his eyes directly for a moment. His eyeballs getting a shade of dark than coming back to normal. He smiles softly.

"Well, People call me jr Arthur. But my name is Aleksander Jack Arthur."

"So as yours" she replies. What a big name he has she thinks. Like not calling one name infact an army. She tries to suppress her chuckle as she finds it amusing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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