Get it together!

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Ayla p.o.v
After talking and having a good lunch with my friend I realized how stupid I was by allowing myself to stay here in this house and him control me the way he had. I decided that I was gonna get on my feet get a job and get myself together! I started looking that night and it was like what do I do I don't know what I'm good at. I also went ahead and looked for lawyers being it was Saturday I didn't have much luck I was gonna get this together tho. I woke up Saturday and I was so happy to sleep in it was 9:15 and espn was laid out asleep next to me I loved him

I kissed his chubby face getting up to shower and make me and baby some breakfast I got a txt from judging saying we needed to talk and to meet us at a park

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I kissed his chubby face getting up to shower and make me and baby some breakfast I got a txt from judging saying we needed to talk and to meet us at a park. And that madden wanted to come home I knew something was up. I got myself dressed and got ready to meet my husband I already had a new mindset on us and I was looking at things in a different light. If he didn't want me now I wasn't gonna wait another month until he decided he was done sleeping around with his lil jump off. I got myself dressed

Afterwards I woke espn he must be growin he never sleeps this late I got him up and dressed

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Afterwards I woke espn he must be growin he never sleeps this late I got him up and dressed

Ay: u ready to go meet dada and mad Es: da da Ay: yea dada Es: maaaaaaaaI looked down at him taking a pic of his cute self he was def my mini but I seen Justin in him as well

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Ay: u ready to go meet dada and mad
Es: da da
Ay: yea dada
Es: maaaaaaaa
I looked down at him taking a pic of his cute self he was def my mini but I seen Justin in him as well. I grabbed him and we headed to the meet spot. When I got there justin was already there he hopped out the car looking pissed

I made sure my doors were I clocked before closeing the door leaving madden in the car as I got out I seen madden in the back seat sleeping 

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I made sure my doors were I clocked before closeing the door leaving madden in the car as I got out I seen madden in the back seat sleeping 

I made sure my doors were I clocked before closeing the door leaving madden in the car as I got out I seen madden in the back seat sleeping 

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Ju: so whassup.
Ay: nothing..
Ju: obviously shit ain't what we discussed u got my son tripping and shit talking about u always crying and I need to come home. Really that's what we doin Ayla we bringin our kids into this need to get your shit together and tighten the fucking crying ass eyelids you got if u can emotionally keep yo self intact mabey I need to gon head and take my kids so U can cry yo ass a river.
He spat so harshly I couldn't even speak bc the tears started flowing I wiped my face trying to get something out
Ay: u expect this to just be a walk in the park for me, I'm doing the best I can justin.
He walked up to me grabbing my face roughly
Ju: wipe yo fucking face dumbass you got people lookin at us u embarrassing me. Cut the shit and woman up we done get the fuck over it.
He walked away as I wiped my face full of tears and I realized that girl was in the car the whole time I wiped my eyes before he grabbed mad out the car he didn't even walk him over he gave him his bag and got in his car and drove off. Madden walked over to me
Mad: hey mommy.
Ay: hi pumpkin u wanna go play at the park?
Mad: yea.
Ay: ok let me grab your brother and we can go play.
We headed over to the park and the boys played I was consumed in my thoughts on how I let him get to me that fast I was being a terrible mother for showing my feelings in front of them. I didn't realize I was crying until I heard a deep voice
M/v: don't let that dude get to u ma.
M/v: I was sitting in my car next to yours smoking. Your right to express yourself however you feel in front of ur kids that's how u teach them emotions if u bottle everything in and take every jab It will teach them to do the same. Keep doing great ma.
Ay: thanks.
He held out his hand for me to shake

 He held out his hand for me to shake

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M/v: David...
Ay: ayla.
D:that's cute
Ay: thanks. And thanks for the pep talk...I needed that. David.
D: no problem anytime beautiful.
He called his cute little daughter and she came up holding madden hand.
D: u got a lil friend.
Ay: awww. She's adorable.
D: thanks. C'mon mama we gotta go get some food daddy hungry. Say bye bye Kairi
Ay: day by madden. We gotta head out too.
We both walked to our cars parked next to each other. And I put espn in his car seat buckling him and and then madden and we headed out and both ended up at Chic fil a I was going in and as I parked he parked right next to me
D: u following me now
he smirked and I just smiled at his cocky ass
Ay: mabey.
I got my kids out and his daughter ran over to madden grabbing his hand
D: really Kairi
She smiled at him as we all crossed the street we went in and ended up eating together and letting the kids play together and we even exchanged numbers just Incase I needed another pep talk he said lol I went home in a way better mood I was happy to have a new friend....a new friend named David.

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