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Monday December 31


I woke up I was beyond exhausted I got way too drunk this weekend I called Dave and left numerous voicemails he never called me back! I looked and Bri was still asleep in the living room I had to go meet with my lawyer at 9am! To get shit done! Now that Justin was on board with the divorce I kinda felt uneasy about it but no lie it was for the best I pulled up to the office and Justin was sitting in his car he came over and opens my door for me and we both just stood there staring st each other until he pulled me into a hug.
Ju: before we go in here I just want to seriously apologize for all my bullshit I put u through bug u were no are a great woman and you deserve the world I'm sorry I fucked us up I just want u to know that and I still love you no matter what
A: thanks for admitting that jus it means a lot..we got married way too young so I completely understand we just grew apart hopefully you can treat this new girl better
Jus: and for the record I was drunk as hell when I proposed to her..I'm tryna get out of that shit or we just gon be engaged for bout 10 year!
A:lol oh trust me I seen "the ring"
Jus:yo ring lol yea I'm fucked up and I'm seeing someone about the shit I want to be a better father for my boys and shit
A: yea they really missed you being around madden wants no dealings with you
Ju: he hates Morgan...she not to fond of him either
A: what? She don't like my baby?
Ju: well the first day he met her he cussed her out and told her she wasn't u..second time he broke her shit in her house..every time he see her he terrorizing her
A: lol well she must not be a good spirit my baby is an angel..with everyone..
Ju: right....but yea I just wanted to get that out the way before we get in here
A: thanks Justin I'll always love u, u gave me these beautiful boys I couldn't ask for more...
We hashed things out we both agreed to sell the house and split the profit she keeps her 2 cars and I keep the other 3, she will get 5,400 in child support and alimony a month and I pay the kids daycare/school expenses, and the other little stuff we split off like stocks and shit. We have joint physical custody but I let a have sole custody I get one week a month and  2 weekends a month

Justin pov
I headed back to my house with Morgan before going to get my boys she was over the pregnancy and irritable as shut but it was New Years and my parents were going out so I had to get the boys since I agreed to keeping them the first week of January I brought her her food and headed to my moms to pick up the boys and take them out to eat me and madden was gon have to sit down with mo and talk tho bc I can't have my bm hating my son and vise Versa
Mad: dad when cane we go back to our old house ion like this house it's too little
Ju: me Nd mommy selling our old house, I'll get a bigger house soon..I know y'all like to make a lot of noise...
Mad: can I get my own room too?
Ju: yea I'll make sure u get ur own room..
The house I bought for mo wasn't nothing special again just to shut her up it was a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a finished basement Madden and e shared a room tho bc we needed a nursery for the baby
Ju: but mad me u Nd Morgan gon have a sit down ok. And talk about things rules and shit bc u the big brother and ur about to have a new lil brother in the house and Morgan is his mom so we gotta be nice to each other ok.
Mad: well she's rude to me..
Jus: I'll talk to her about her attitude towards you too but we gotta work together I want u to be a great big brother to jaiden just like you are to espn ok?
Mad: ok! I will dad!
Jus: cool u done eating so I can bust yo ass in basketball real quick
Mad: let's go! Davey showed me a new trick to daddy
Jus: u like mommy new boyfriend? He nice to u guys and mommy?
Mad: yea he cool.
We played for a good two hours e fell asleep as soon as his head touched his car seat madden was tryna stay up but he passed out eventually we headed to my house it was late bout 10:30
I had got Morgan some gifts to bring in the new year being she couldn't drink And was pregnant I was ready for this new journey to become a better me for myself and my kids..

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