Hard for the bard - highschool au

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Marvin and I had been dating for about two months and still, every time I saw him I melted. God he was beautiful, so well structured although thin and breathtaking.

He's been disappearing after school four days a week and he seems more and more stressed, I'm honestly scared he's cheating on me- but he wouldn't do that to me, right?

Delia keeps telling me there's nothing to worry about, but I'm not sure if I believe her. I mean he's even started growing this hideous moustache and I'm too scared to tell him to shave it off, that's not normal behaviour.

I tried to invite him to the school's production tonight but he keeps saying he's busy. He gets all jittery when I mention anything about it, so I'm stuck fifth-wheeling with Char, Delia, Trin and Mendel.
We're not the most likely group but Delia and I have been friends for years and it's the same with Marvin and Trina. After Marvin and I met at racquetball tryouts I guess we just ended up with eachother.

I decided to stay in the library after school while the others went to some café before it started. I'm usually up for some pumpkin spiced hot cocoa, especially now that it's fall, but not without my boyfriend. I have too much on my mind and too much to catch up on anyway.

I noticed a very familiar character lean over the top of my textbook, "Hey honey."

"Marvie, God I've missed you!", I squealed, flying from my chair to hug him and prompting a sharp 'shh' from the librarian.

He hugged back, chuckling, "I've gotta go in like five minutes, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I hope you enjoy your show."

I heard the hesitance in his voice and I bit my lip to stop myself from questioning the 'your show' or why he had to go so soon. I just tried to enjoy his company before he kissed me on the forehead and left through the large old oakwood doors.

Packing my stuff up, I heard the door open again, "There he is!"

I couldn't help but smile at my best friend's up beat tone, "We've been looking for you. Should we head to the auditorium, it's gonna start soon."

"Sure, do you know what the production is?" I asked in an almost sullen tone.

"Yeah, something Shakespeare esque." She flashed me a wide smile, blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders.

"Apparently they had to fight the English teachers to get it in." Charlotte laughed. I looked over at her, noticing the other two talking together.

It didn't take long for me to realise that I hated being the odd one out. I felt like the runt of the squad, letting the others laugh and talk while I fell back, out of step and behind.

We got to the main hall, showing our tickets and taking our seats. I was sandwiched between Delia and Trina as the room filled up. I had an amazing view, seeing that, due to the high budget drama department, the stage was full of props and riggings.

The lights dimmed at a boy I didn't recognise stepped out, "Welcome to the Renaissance," He began. I felt myself lose concentration and start thinking about Marvin. He would tell me anything, he's so bad at keeping secrets.

More and more thoughts swirled in my head as the chorus sung out in front of us, but I just couldn't focus.

"Whiz. Whizzer!" A voice I recognised as Cordelia's called, whacking my arm to try to get my attention. I snapped back into reality with a blink or two, shaking my head. Only then did I snap back into reality.

"Oh God, I completely zoned out." Cordelia laughed at my remark, "But can you seriously tell me what is happening?"

"Alright, so these brothers are trying to write a play to compete with Shakespeare and-" Charlotte smacked her in the back of the head to get her to shut up. I rolled my eyes, setting them on the stage and trying to focus.

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