like father like son

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In the  forest the  same  afternoon   after  laughing  and talking

"Rose  can I  ask  you   one  question" asked Hawk

"Yeah sure"

"Are  you  going  to... um  I  mean  you  are   going  to  come  like every  day right ?"

Rose  then chucked   to  see  how  Hawk  was so  nervous   to  ask  that

"Of  course  I'll  come  everyday  until we  figure  out  how  to   transform  you back"

Hawk  smile at what  Rose   said  showing  a bit of  his  canines

"Er... I  guess I  have to  get  use of  that smile huh " said  Rose 

"Yeah" said  Hawk

Rose chucked  as  her  eyes  stare at  the   sky   to  see the  sun is  starting   to   set

"Oh... um I have  to   go  before  my  dad  realises I'm   not  home  yet"

"Right  of course" said  Hawk

"But  I'll  see you  tomorrow after  school"


"And  don't   forget   to   bring more apples  tomorrow" said  Mirror Hawk

Rose  chucked  as  she  grabbed  her  back pack

"I  won't  don't  worry"

Rose's eyes  then moved to meet  Hawk's  eyes

"I  better  go" said  Rose

Hawk   stopped   Rose  before  she  could  leave

"Wait   um... before   you  go   I  want  to  say    thank  you   Rose  for  helping  me and  bringing the  delicious  apples"

"Do you remember   when I  said  when  you're  feeling  all alone  and  a helping  hand is  what  you need   you can take  a  look around   but  I'll be  right  next  to   you"

Hawk  chucked a bit

"How can I forget   cause  I  know  you'll always   be  there  for me

"And you're always  there  for  me"

"Because  I   know...." said  Hawk

"You're  all I  need" they both  said at the  same  time   smiling

Gigi  climbed out  of  Rose  back pack  and  and  tapping   Rose to  remind  her it's  time  to  go

"Oh I  better   go   now ... um  bye  Hawk"

"Bye "  said  Hawk

Rose   started  walking  ,leaving  Hawk with  happiness

Meanwhile  at  Gaston  Castle after   giving   Vicky   a  tour

"Wow  this  castle is  bigger   than   it  looks"

"Wait  until  I  show you  the main   room" said  Zac leading   Vicky   into  a hallway  where  at the  end  was  two  guards  were  arm wrestling  in front  of the  door

"I  got  you  this  time Jay" said Adam pushing Jay's  hand  downward

"No  you  won't  win two in a  row" said  Jay  trying  to push  Adam's hand 

Then  Zac  cleared his throat   then Jay and Adam   stopped   their  arm wrestling 

"Boss  you're   here  so  how  was  school" asked Jay

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