Week 10--The Finals (Night Two)

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The rehearsal studio buzzed with an energy Regina hadn't felt in weeks. It almost felt like the day of the premiere, especially with everyone back to dance one more time on the show before the winners were crowned and the season ended. Nemo greeted her warmly as she entered the building and she hugged Dorothy, glad the Olympian was feeling better. Both Whale and John Darling stopped to say hi to her and she even waved at Tamara before ducking into her rehearsal room.

She barely took a few steps in when the camera crew was on top of her. "How does it feel knowing this is your last time in this room?" the PA asked.

"Bittersweet," she replied, setting down her bag. "It's sad to know that Robin and I won't be back here in the morning to create a whole new routine but I'm looking forward to getting lots and lots of sleep after tonight."

The crew chuckled and she then continued: "Besides, I know Robin and I have built a relationship that's going to keep going even after the cameras turn off, so this isn't a goodbye at all."

"I second that," Robin said, striding into the room. He grinned at the camera as he set down his own bag. "Regina and I are going to be friends for a long, long time."

Regina hugged him and she heard the camera crew retreat. "You think we gave them everything they need?" she whispered.

"We gave them final package gold," he whispered back.

She nodded before pulling back. "Are you ready to perfect this rumba-foxtrot fusion?"

"I am," he said, laughing. "And then I'm ready to win the mirrorball."

"Okay, slow down. Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she said, walking further into the room.

She then paused as she took in the wall opposite the wall of mirrors, her eyes widening at the large pictures now mounted there. "Is...Is that us?"

"Yes, it is," Robin said, standing next to her. "They always put up some pictures of the finalists in their rehearsal rooms on the last day."

"We look amazing," she said, awed by the life-sized pictures of them dancing in the competition. She stepped closer to admire them.

Her fingers brushed over a picture of them in the middle of their quickstep, him dressed as the bandit and her as the queen. They looked like something from a movie or even a magazine. "I loved this routine," she said.

"It was a good one," Robin agreed before walking a bit down the wall. He pointed to another picture. "I loved this one."

She joined him, almost rolling her eyes when she saw them wrapped around each other, both looking like they were seconds away from kissing. "Of course you liked our tango."

"I also liked our cha-cha," he replied, pointing to another picture. They were frozen mid-Turkish towel as they smiled at the camera.

"We had a lot of great numbers," she said, eyeing the paso set to the song Robin had chosen to reflect her.

He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. "I really enjoyed my time on this show. Thank you."

She smiled, leaning against him. "You made my first season really fun and memorable. Thank you."

"Can you hold that pose for a few more moments?" the PA asked, breaking their mood. Both looked over at her but she motioned to the pictures. "No, no, keep studying them. We just need some B-roll footage."

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