The search for Freddy

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Chica pulled Bonnie with her to pirates cove and yelled for for Foxy "Foxy! Get your red bushy tail out here, now!" 
"Why should I?"
"For the love of every thing good in this place please just listen to her!"
"Fine." Foxy opened the curtains and stepped off of his stage, and looked at the both of them "Foxy where going on a adventure to find Freddy wanna come?" She asked him as she let go of Bonnie's paw. "No, not really." He said shrugging his shoulders "Too bad!" Chica grabbed Foxy's paw and pulled him with her towards the bathrooms and Bonnie followed. The three stopped in front of the two doors for the bathrooms, the one on the right was the woman's bathroom the one on the left was the men's. "Don't tell me his here again...." Foxy's ears drooped down, he did not want to be dragged into the woman's bathroom. "You two search the men's bathroom I'll go in the girl's, okey?" Bonnie nodded in agreement and Foxy reluctantly did the same Chica let go and Bonnie went in the men's bathroom followed by Foxy. Chica went in the woman's bathroom, she would have a better chance in finding him since it was Freddy's favorite place to hide at night. Nobody would suspect he was in there, and that's why he chose it. Her pink eyes lit up in the dark bathroom and her night vision was enabled. "Freddy?" Chica's voice echoed through the restroom, but no one answered her "Come on Fred, please come out. Me and the others are looking for you."  A small scratching sound came from the vent above her head
A small voice came from it, it sounded like a  animatronic, it was like the female version of Freddy's. "Goldie!" Chica looked up and saw the white eyes of the golden bear, he pulled himself forward a little to get a better view of Chica. "Have you seen Freddy anywhere, he's been gone all night." Golden Freddy looked sad "No," he teleported to Chica's side. She turned to him and made eye contact with Golden Freddy. "I will help you fine him if you'd like." Chica thought about this for a moment, then she decided that it would be better to have more animatronics looking for him instead of just her, Bonnie, and Foxy. "Okey you can help, but only if you don't teleport away in the middle of the search ok?"
"I won't, I won't! Let's just find him before-" The power went out again, the only light they would see now is the glow of the animatronics eyes in the pitch black pizzeria. "Oh... well never mind then." Golden Freddy said as his ears drooped down.

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