Let's play with new toys

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Freddy used his legs to kick Foxy in the stomach. Knocking him right off, Freddy then flipped over and stood up getting in the position to jumpscare Mike. Although jumpscaring works best when it's unexpected, but considering Mike was already scared he may be scared by it anyway. Foxy pushed himself forward and grabbed Freddy's left foot with his paw and yanked him back, away from Mike. "It be Mike, matey. Calm down!" Foxy encouraged sound slightly annoyed. Freddy shook his head and his eyes became their normal blue color, he realized he was about to attack Mike. Foxy let go of his leg and Freddy spoke "Mike. I'm so sorry I didn't think it was you. I-I."
He was interrupted by Mike
"I-It's ok Freddy, I understand." Mike said in a calm voice, or at least as calm as a frightened person can sound "This isn't the first time." Mike added.
The 6am bell rang and the lights turned back on. Golden Freddy must have teleported off some where. For he was nowhere to be seen.
Mike gave a sigh of relief straightened his hat and stood up "Well you should all get back to your positions, I gotta go, bye!" Mike walked out of the pizzeria and shut the door behind him the sound of a car starting and driving away meant he was gone for the day.

After closing time. Everyone was in there show positions, Chica had her cupcake, Bonnie had his guitar, Foxy was behind closed purple curtains and Freddy had his microphone. The day went smoothly without any problems. The worst thing that actually happened was Foxy scaring a child when the curtains to his cove opened so he could sing his one song for the day.

The night had returned before they knew it but this night was different, it was 12:00am but no Mike. Everything was just too quiet. Then suddenly there was a sound at the door, the sound of it unlocking . The door slowly creaked open. No one came inside but someone threw in a medium sized box, it slid across the floor then hit the wall with a loud bang. The door slammed shut.
Bonnie came around the corner and saw the box, he was about to come closer but then he heard voices coming from it first was a girl's "Get your tail feathers out of my face!" Then another girl "Get your face out of my tail feathers!" Then a boy's "Will both of you shut up!" Then the top of the box opened and two unknown animatronics flew out and hit the ground, back first. Bonnie hid around the corner so they wouldn't see him and swiveled his ear to face where the box was so he could listen. The
male's voice spoke again "three seconds in this place and you two are already fighting! Just one hour of peace with you two seems impossible!" The boy grunted in frustration after he finished his sentence.
Bonnie ran back to the room the others were in to alert them of the new strangers " F-Freddy! Chica! Foxy! There's a couple of animatronics near the door!" Bonnie said fearfully thinking the new animatronics were going to hurt them. Chica was the first to answer "Really?!" She said excitedly. Freddy looked at him, confused "New animatronics? That's  silly, we're the only ones, Bonnie." Freddy said not believing Bonnie's words. "But I saw them! Fred, ya got to believe me!" Bonnie begged him
"Fine, let's go see these new animatronics." Freddy said before coming to Bonnie.  Bonnie grabbed Freddy's hand and pulled him along to the spot were he saw the box."They're just over-" When the arrived to the place where the box was, there was just an empty box.
"Are they invisible?"
" No, they where here. One was like me b-but blue with makeup and a girl I think?"
"Bonnie, I have no time for your lies!" Freddy snapped
Bonnie's eyes began to tear up a little"B-b-But-"
"No buts!" He said firmly
And with that Bonnie was left alone in the dark hall.
Everything was silent for a few long moments before a feminine voice started talking.

"Oh? What's wrong Fluff? You're friends didn't believe you?"

Bonnie jumped and turned to see a blue bunny standing behind him, it looked like Bonnie but with red cheeks and bright blue and white fur.

"I thought your story was pretty good! But did you really think they would believe you? Or that we would just sit and wait to be caught?"

The light blue bunny tilted their head

"How did you know I was going to get them?"
Bonnie asked

"You're yelling made it quiet clear..."
The blue rabbit replied

(Will continue later)

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