Chapter 1 - Yellow Luggage

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Clean paint brushes, a crinkled envelope, and blank canvases glared untouched at Bea from the tidy corner of an otherwise chaotic room.

"Ok, shoes go here. We're running out of time. Should've already left for the airport."

Bea ignored the red head whirlwind that tossed clothes about the room. Eyes closed, she huddled in the middle of her bed. Blue duvet clutched around her shoulders.

Breathe in. I can do this. I'm a majestic bird. Scratch that. A bright colorful hot air balloon. Soaring high. On an adventure. Nothing can touch me.

"Earth to Bea? Come on. We need to finish packing. If we don't leave soon, customs is going to be insane."

Mayday! Mayday! My balloon has a hole, is running out of propane, and a CAT 4 hurricane is coming.

"Beatrice Elizabeth Love. For the love of coffee and all things shiny, snap out of it. Stop stalling, and help me pack your bags."

"I told you, I'm not interested in going." Bea opened her eyes, and watched her friend Nicole fold and tuck the clothes with great care. Into the canary yellow travel bag they went. Like a row of soldiers. "I wish we'd bought the nice simple black one. Yellow is too cheery. Something less bright and noticeable would've been better."

"That was the point. So you could find it easily." Nicole turned to grab a pair of jeans.

Bea snatched two shirts and some socks out of the bag and hid them behind her.

"And you're being ridiculous, this is a great honor. The art gallery picked you!" Nicole continued her assessment of the travel bag. "Oh, a jacket. I know there's one here somewhere. You definitely need one." Nicole said, as she looked through piles of clothes.

Bea grabbed a toothbrush and her phone charger from the bag. Under the duvet this time they went.

"I didn't want to win. I'm not that person anymore" Bea glanced over at the only clean spot in the room. Envelope and art supplies mocked her. "Remind me again...why did I agree to stop in Turkey of all places before I collect my 'prize'?"

"One, it's paid for. Two, the hot air balloons. Three, it's on your mom's list." Nicole waved a crumbled piece of paper with delicate cursive writing on it.

"Let me see that list-" Bea reached for the paper. Nicole promptly hid it.

"Yeah, not happening. You know how this works. I'm in charge of the list. Someone has to make sure you follow through. Ok, everything is packed. No thanks to you. And don't think I didn't notice you sneaking out stuff." Nicole tossed a coat at Bea. Then she grabbed the shirts and socks from behind Bea, the lump under the duvet unnoticed. "Put this on, and let's go say goodbye to Archie before we go."

"I really shouldn't leave him. We both know he needs me." Bea climbed out of her bed, tossed her dark curls into a quick bun, and slowly put on the dark navy coat.

One button at a time. Here we go. Nope...can't do this. I wish you were here. Once we get in that car, that'll be it. Done for.

"What am I exactly, useless? I've got this. Don't worry, I'll take great care of him for you." Nicole looked at Bea, the tremble in Bea's hands and unshed tears in her eyes evident even as she tried to hide them. "Hey, it's gonna be alright. You can do this-"

"I can't. There's just too much to do." Bea slumped onto her bed, hands covered her face.

Nicole crouched infront of Bea, and wrapped her arms around her. "It's okay to miss her. I do too. But we are going to wipe those tears, and do this. Now hold the carry on bag, and go say your goodbyes while I drag this to the car." Nicole handed over the carry on, and left with the cheerful yellow luggage.

Bag in hand, Bea went down the hall to the study. She straightened up with a sniff as she stopped.

"Knock knock." Bea tapped the door frame. An older man hunched over a large book glanced up, bespectacled eyes unfocused.

"Oh. Is it time already?"

Bea walked to her father's desk, a stack of unopened envelopes caught her eye. "Yes, Nicole is on a rampage it seems. Says I'm going to be late. Love the girl, but she is an organized menace."

"Oh, you know we couldn't do without her. I'll bet by the time you come back, she'll even have me tidy and organized." Archie smiled, then looked down, eyes unfocused.

"Dad...maybe I should stay? Take that part time teaching job the school called about."

Archie rounded the desk and hugged Bea close. "Bumble can do this. You have her strength, you just need to go out and give it your all. I love you, and I'll miss you. But you need to do this."

The car honked from the front yard.

"I love you too. Gotta go. I'll message you when I land." Bea walked out and got into the car. She stared out the window as her home grew smaller and smaller.

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