hyr = myg

530 27 6

two of our sounds became one

creating a melodic voice that took us on a journey

for a second it was just us two

playing and playing

like there was no tomorrow

like it was a time trap

and i could see you playing your violin

with the cherry blossoms blowing to one side

you made me smile

we were tied together by the music

it was our connection

our language

and our voice

you made me realise a lot of things

that i have never thought of before

and i'm kind of scared that you will be leaving me soon

a little too soon

i looked to my side to see you

standing there smiling

and slowly

very slowly

you started to fade and slowly you turned into cherry blossoms

just before the piece ended

the wind blew you up

which i hope that was the path to heaven

and without knowing

tears started to fall

because you

have left


april ; m.ygWhere stories live. Discover now