ii. new friends?!

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I know you guys probably love Chosen aka Mike, but I'm gonna pretend he's not in this story I kind like nothing about him so it difficult. Sorry for the inconveni


After a nice weird weekend with my bestie, it's Monday. I know, depressing. But I have cheer practice! But that means I have to wear the uniform to school....UGH! I get dressed, do my makeup, and other hygienic stuff then head down stairs. Turns out I don't have time for breakfast, great.

After looking at the time I panicked to the bread and made some toast then sprinted out the door with it still in my mouth. By the time I arrive at school I finished my toast. As I walk to my locker, like usual, I'm wearing a skirt so what will you be hearing all day? Cat calling. Yep! You heard me right. Almost every boy in school whistling and saying stuff under there breath. Even those with girl friends.

Yet the girls don't hate me. Weirdly they look up to me and admire me. I always feel like royalty at school I'm not bullied, no one hates me and all that jazz. I still to this day don't know why. I'm not that pretty or "hot" and I'm a weird, spontaneous, and random. Yet I'm admired and cat called. Sometimes I wonder what is happening to society. I try my best to ignore the cat calling. And start heading to class.

"Today we are handing out tests from yesterday"The teacher said. After a while I hear my name "Ms. L/n, congrats, A+" the teacher says aloud as I walked to the front of the class to retrieve my test. Everyone seemed surprised for some reason. I don't understand why though, I get A+'s on every test I take. Soon enough it's lunch! A.k.a. my favorite part of the day. As I walk into the lunch room, I see two tables wave me to sit with them.

I quickly observe each table. One is my usual table, with all of my cheerleading friends, their boyfriends, and my best friend. The other table is a group of boys and a girl I don't know, actually I do know one of the people at that table and it was Stan, that I had to get away from Henry. I quickly try to decide between the two tables. I walk up to my friends table and tell them that I will be sitting somewhere else to try and make new friends.

They gave me a look because they knew which table I was referring to. "Seriously, those kids are losers. Sit with us." Britney said. "Well Britney, I never asked for your shitty opinion. I can sit wear I want" I replied sassily "Ha! Get told!" Faith, my best friend, said. I got that signature glare from Britney. Obviously. I gave a thumbs up and small nod to Faith, then made my way to the table. This could mess up my reputation, but who honestly cares.

Stan's POV

"S-Stan who are you w-waving to?" Bill asked me

"Her." I say pointing We all looked then blushed well everyone except Ben and of course Beverly. My heart started to beat a little bit faster as she stared walking over here. Fuck. She's walking over here.

"She's coming over here.." Eddie says surprised.

They all looked at me like asking how. I shrugged then heard her voice.

"Hey Stan, mind if I sit?" She asks

"U-Umm n-no go ahead." I guess Bill's rubbing off on me.

"Cool." She replies as she sits

"These are my friends, Bill, Eddie, Ben, Richie, and Beverly." I say

"Nice to meet you all!" She says.
Then we start up a conversation I think we're all really good friends now! At least I think.

Thanks for reading sorry again about Mike.
                           Bye, Babes!

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