iv. cancelled

780 20 4

(btw, the plot of IT is changed quite a bit so don't be too surprised when it's almost nothing like the original, amazing, movie. Also most parts can be more 2019 rather than 1989)



✦𝕐/𝕟'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧✦

Still sore from yesterday's
long cheer practice my lovely
alarm went off for school.


I took a quick shower,
blow dried my hair,
got dressed,
then went downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetie!"
my mom exclaimed,
"Did you sleep well?"

"Kinda sore, but I'll take some Advil
so now need to worry,"
I assured her.

"Well alright."
My mom sat a bowl of
cereal on the table right in front
of me as I thanked her
& fake smiled.

"Any specific reason you're
up so early in the morning?"
I sent a really confused look in her

I replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Didn't you hear from your friends?"
I shook my head still
very confused.

"They cancelled the schools
for the rest of the week,"
My eyes widened.

"Apparently, some kids are
going missing.
Police have no leads either,
some say...a force from
out of this world kidnapped
the innocent
children & ate them alive!"
my younger brother
finished, trying to freak me out.

Well, it worked.

"B/n, that is not what's happening
at all! Some kids are
just probably getting lost
around town. I highly doubt,
any of these kids have died."
mom clarifies to me, making
me sigh in relief.

"Yeah, whatever!"
B/n says.

B/n snatched the remote from the counter & turned on
our dining room

It conveniently landed
on the news.

The bottom review flag read;
'Local boy assumed dead'

"Turn it up, idiot!"
I snatched the remote from
his grubby fingers and
turn it up my self.

"...Georgie Denbrough went to
play in the rain & was sent out
by his- at the time sick- brother.
Who will be going un-named.
Besides a large blood
splotch in front of this sewer drain,
there is no actual
evidence of the child being
And thank heavens for that!"
I was in tears after she said
poor Georgie's lastname


Bill's last name.
Georgie was his-

The continued talking for
2 more minutes &
then they went to the weather report.

I was left completely

I already pinched myself
during the reporters
so I know that this isn't
a nightmare, but reality.


The phone ringing from the
living room snapped
me straight out of my thoughts.

Before I could even get up
B/n runs straight to the phone &
answers it with a smile,
which soon fades.

"Ugh! It's another call
for you!"
he groans loudly, seconds
later stomping upstairs.

I stuttter still a little

"Hey Y/n, for obvious reasons
the losers club & I decided
to postpone the Quarry
for Friday."

"Okay makes sense. Might I ask
who exactly this is?"

"Oh yeah, it's E-Eddie,
Eddie Kaspbrak."

"And how did
you get my number?"

"Not surprisingly,
Richie had it. He gave
it to me so I could call you."

"Yes, and how did he get
my numb- never mind!
I'll talk to you later Eds!"

"Yeah, bye!"


"Oh wait Y/n before you go-"
Eddie started to say but Y/n had
already hung up on him.

"Please, stay safe, Y/n.
I don't want to lose someone too."
he mumbled to himself hanging
up the phone.

"Eddie-bear? Who
were you talking too?"

"Oh just Stan, mommy."
he quickly said.

Eddie sighed softly,
this'll be a long week.

𝐏𝐎𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑! ( losers club x reader . )Where stories live. Discover now