Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Masquerade Ball

Marinette's POV

I'm at school today but I'm not listening to mister Xiao, our new teacher.

My mind is clouded about Adrien leaving the city. We're not in good terms so why do I care about him anyway?

Since when did we become in good terms?


My brain was too preoccupied that I didn't notice that class is already over. Alya didn't come to school so I have no one to talk to. I just noticed that she's always missing. Hmm...

I was about to get up when Chloe approached me and gave me an invitation I think?

"What's this for?"

"An invitation. Isn't it obvious?" She snapped.

I tried so hard to be nice at her and do not glare or roll my eyes at her. I took the piece of paper from her hand and opened it.

You're invited to Chloe's 18th birthday!
Where: Le Grand Paris Hotel (duh?)
When: Today of course.
What: Just read the title, oh and it's a Masquerade ball.

Note: Don't forget my gifts okay?? ;))

I closed it and gave it back to her. As much as I want to go but I can't...

"Sorry Chloe, but I can't. Happy birthday anyway." I stood up and started to walk away but then I was startled when she grabbed my hand.

"Please Marinette? Oh come on, we've been frienemies since kindergarten! Just this once? Please!! Don't bother the gifts just please attend my party."

Then I saw my second scariest nightmare. Chloe making puppy eyes at me. I took her hand off of me and smiled awkwardly.

"Okay okay, fine."


"Tikki are you sure about this?"

"About what Marinette?" Tikki asked while trying to fix the bow at my dress.

"About my... hair? Do I look like an idiot?"

"No, you don't. It looks great on you Marinette." She complimented.

I scratched my head and once again looked at the mirror in front of me. "Maybe I'm not just comfortable with my hair down?"

"Look Marinette, it doesn't matter if you look great or not. What matters now is you need to hurry because you're already late!"

"W-wait what? Oh gosh Tikki why didn't you tell me earlier?? Where's my purse. Wahh we need to go now!"


"Finally you're here!" Chloe greeted and gave me a peck on the cheek which made me shocked.

"Yeah... happy birthday..?"

"Thanks, now let's go." She said and then held my hand and dragged me somewhere.

There were few people dancing and roaming around the ballroom which was the opposite of what I expected.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked.

She stopped and faced me. "Marinette, just stay right there. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back. Okay?"

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