Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Disaster

3rd Person's POV

"Claws in."

Adrien panted while he sat on the floor, gripping the side of his waist to avoid more loss of blood.

"Man, you really need some help. Where's your phone? We need to call someone for help. My cataclysm won't help you." Plagg said.

Adrien laughed but ended up coughing. "Forget it Plagg... My wound is too deep. I wasn't expecting Luka to transform into a werewolf."

Plagg ignored Adrien and checked the nearby street phone if it's working or not. He flew back to Adrien.

"The phone isn't working. Why would they even create those things when they won't even try to fix it when it becomes broken."

Adrien snickered. "Nothing's permanent in this world, Plagg. Even if you put a lot of effort to save that thing, it won't work. If it's bound to happen, it will happen. Our life was already scripted."

Plagg frowned at Adrien. "Geez, you talk like you're going to die."

"Because I am going to die."

Plagg rolled his eyes. "Stay there and don't do anything foolish. I'll call for help."

He laughed. "It sounds weird when it comes from you."

Plagg ignored him and continued to fly around Paris to find his fellow kwami, Tikki.

'I hope they're okay.' Plagg thought.


"Alya, I think we should go home now. It looks like it's about to rain." Nino said worriedly.

"No! We are not going home until we find Marinette! I shouldn't have invited her. None of this would've happened. This is all my fault."

Alya stopped walking and started to cry. Nino scratched the back of his head and hugged his girlfriend, confusion clouding up in his mind. First, Marinette went missing. And now, he has no idea where his friend Adrien is. He had been calling him a lot of times now but not even a single call had been answered.

'Where could he be?' He thought.

"Hey, you! Your Adrien's friend right??"

Nino broke the embrace and started searching for the voice.

"Hey! I'm up here!"

Then he looked up and saw a flying black looking rat in the sky. He frowned.

"Whoa. What are you?"

"I'll tell you later. You need to follow me. Adrien is in danger and he needs help!"

Nino's eyes widened in shock. "Really?? Where is he?? But wait--- can we trust you? You might be some kind of magical---"

"Yes! you can trust me! Now follow me and call for some help too. Call his father or anyone!"

Nino nodded and faced Alya who have just seen the weird flying black thing.

"What the hell is th---"

"Alya, listen to me, please. You need to go home now. We will find Marinette tomorrow. Right now, Adrien needs me."

Her eyes widened and she was about to speak when Nino gave her a peck on her lips.

"I'll be back." He smiled then ran to follow Plagg.

Alya stood there. Still shocked. Her cheeks were tinted red, blushing. She quickly shook her head and focused.

"You do what you need to do. I'll do mine."

She was about to run when the ground started to shake wildly and heard an evil laugh.

A girl wearing all black clothes with a red cape that has a hoodie. She was holding a super sharp scythe in her right hand.

She was laughing evilly with a huge wolf beside her who's been howling noisily.

Looks like red riding hood and the wolf teamed up.

Alya shook her head in horror because of what she saw. "No no no no. This can't be happening!"

She hid behind the bushes while watching them destroy the city.

"Ladybug... what happened to you?"

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