Truth or Dare

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Hi Guys. This is my First Ever OneShot. I had been planning and though "How about 'Truth Or Dare'? I had been dreaming of it that Team Prime Played Truth or Dare" Anyways,Hope you Enjoy!


Your P.O.V.

There are No Decepticon Activity for the past 3 months and I was getting bored out of my mind. Miko and Jack were Playing Video Games and Raf was doing something with his laptop. It's hot and boring. I groaned and closed the book I was reading.

"Does anyone got bored,here?" I asked and Raf sighed and closed his Laptop.

"Yeah" He replied. Jack and Miko Agreed. Miko put her finger on the chin and her face brightened

"Hey, How about we play 'Truth or Dare'?" Miko ask and we all agree. I took a Bottle out of my bag and the four of us sat in Indian style. I spun the bottle and it landed on Jack.

"Alrighty Jackie,Truth or Dare?" I ask

"Don't call me that and also,Truth" Jack replied and I smirked 

"Is Arcee your crush?" I ask

"The Frag, NO! I only like her as a Partner!" He replied

Raf and I cheered. We looked at Miko,who was not happy at the situation. Raf and I hold out our hands.

"Pay up,Miko. We won the bet" She groaned and took out 20 bucks and I gave the half to Raf.

"Wait,Your Betting with Miko?" Jack ask 

"Yup" I replied popping the letter 'p' as I put my money on my pocket. I saw 5 Bots entered the Hangar after they finish their energon rations. I blushed when Optimus entered the room. You see,I had a Crush on Optimus Prime and the only one who knows it was Raf.

"What's going on?" Arcee ask 

"We're just playing 'Truth or Dare'. care to join us? "I replied and they sat,also in indian style with their charge and I felt slightly jealous since Optimus is always busy as a Leader. I saw Optimus still standing while looking at the console. I felt my stomach filled with butterflies. 

"Optimus,would you like to join us? "I ask and crossed my fingers at my back hoping he would say 'Yes'

"I apologized,(Y/N). But I'm afraid I had more important things to do" He replied without leaving his Optics on the console which I slumped my shoulders. I felt like a popped Ballon when a pointy nail struck at my heart. I sighed in defeat and went back to others,who continued to play without me.

Optimus' POV

I looked at (Y/N) as she went back to others with a sad eyes. I felt my spark broke when I saw her being alone and sad. I sighed and looked back to the console where I must search for Any Decepticon Activity. 

"You should have told her 'Yes'" Ratchet said and I sighed. He knew I was in love of (Y/N) but We are different species in a different race. 

"I know,old Friend. But I must focused on finding a Decepticon Activity. I fear they are planning something that involves the habitants of this Planet" I replied and Ratchet shove me out of the console. I'm surprise that he manage to shove me despite my large frame.

"I will take care of finding a Decepticon activity and You will play with your future Mate" He smirked and my faceplate began to heat up. I felt my cooling systems kicking out and Ratchet forced me to sit down with my soldiers. Ratchet left me and went back to the console with a smirk. I look back at my soldiers,who looked at me like I have....As the human words say 'Three Heads'.

"I believe that I should join" I said and (Y/N)'s face lit up and smiled. Primus,She has the most beautiful smile. I saw the bottle spun by Arcee and it landed on........Me?

"Alright,Optimus. Truth or Dare?" Arcee ask . I hesitate a bit before I answered

"Dare..?" I replied 

"I dare you t-"She was stopped when Rafael told her to lean. Arcee lean and Rafael whispered at her audio receptors. Her optics lit up and Smirk at me. 

"Optimus,I dare you to kiss (Y/N) in the lips using your holoform" she replied.

Laughter and 'wolf whistle' was heard around the base. My tanks churned and (Y/N)'s cheeks burn red. I felt my faceplate heated up and cooling fans activated. I tried to find words but I believe my glossa is tied. I gulped and transformed into my truck mode and activated my holoform. I jogged towards (Y/N),who still had a blush on her face. I stopped infront of her and my spark began to beat louder in my audio receptors. I felt my confidence built up a little and my tanks slightlg churned again. This is your chance to Confess to her. Letting her know you Love her I kissed her. I felt her tense but soon melted into the kiss. We stayed like this for 5 minutes but pulled away by some light,which came from Miko's phone. We looked at her in horror untill....

"MIKO!!!!"(Y/N) scream and Miko began to run,which (Y/N) chased her down. I chuckled as they ran around the base.


And Done! Wow,I had a hard Time Editing it since It's 7:40 and I need to sleep. But,Thanks for Reading and Comment on what do you think of this story. Gipsy Out! ✌✌

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