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neymarjr, blakelingard

marcus and jesse
are worried about
you and are asking
when you are gonna
be here...what should
i say to them ???

i'm not coming...
i feel ill and i just
wanna relax, tell
them i'll see them
tomorrow before
we leave.

okay, you sure
that you only
feel sick and it's
nothing else ??

i'm sure baby...go
have fun and i'll
see you once you
get back !!❤️❤️


marcusrashford, blakelingard

neymar told us that
you feel sick so you
aren't coming but i
can sense that there
is something else that
is upsetting you that
you didn't wanna tell
neymar...am i right ??

yeah but i just dont
wanna talk about it
with anyone right now
because it's not that

it's obviously some
what important if it's
stopping you from going
out places...is this about
the ronaldo thing ????
because if it is there is
nothing you can do and
you are gonna have to just
wait and trust that he didn't
do anything to her...

it's not to do with
the ronaldo thing
because i trust him
enough...it's to do
with everyone calling
me a slut and stuff for
getting back with neymar...
i don't know what to do,
i might just get a flight
home and distance myself
for a while...

blake don't do that !!
the best thing to do is
to tell someone how you
are feeling because we
can all help you !! tell
neymar and jesse or i
will because you need
to let people help you !!



marcusrashford, jesselingard,

did you guys get a
message from blake ??

no ?? were we
supposed to...

she just fell asleep
but no she hasn't
told me anything

i told her to tell you
or i would so obviously
it's now up to me !! she
feels really upset about
everyone's comments
and she wants to distance
herself from everyone she
loves because everyone
seems to think she is a slut

we need someone who
she will listen to...maybe
we should get cris or jordan
to talk to her because she
trusts them the most ??


neymarjr, jhenderson

you know that i
wouldn't ask you
to do anything for
me unless it was
really important !!
so could you please
speak some sense
into blake because
she is feeling really
shitty about herself
and she's not listening
to anyone !!

i can try but what
makes you think
that she will talk
to me if she isn't
talking to her brother,
boyfriend or best friend ?

because she trusts
you more than any
of us and i feel like
she will really listen
to you...please jordan
it's important...

i'll try my best
but i can't say
that she will
listen to me...


jhenderson, blakelingard

hey, i was told that
you are feeling really
shitty so i thought i
would message you and
ask what's up ??

neymar asked you
to do this didn't he ?!

blake he's really
worried about you.
we all are !! i just need
you to tell me what's wrong

everyone is making me
feel bad about myself !!
i feel like an idiot for
leaving ronaldo in the
middle of his situation
but i also love neymar
to much and everyone
is calling me a slut and
i'm getting dms from
people threatening me
saying 'they are gonna
beat me up' and shit !!
i just wanna go home😥

you know that you
are a good person
and you did exactly
what he wanted...he
wanted some space
to get through this
alone and you needed
some space away from
him...you aren't a bad
person and you sure as
hell aren't a slut for
getting back with the guy
you love !! if you wanna go
home then go, it's your
choice and no one can stop
you !!

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