chapter 28

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after sam settled down and i told all the boys about what happened, me and sam went back to our room.

"i have a doctors apoutment tomorrow to see the gender of the baby if you want to come" isaid

"i would love to come. can we get pizza after?" he asked giving a little pouty lip and said eye look.

"we will see how i feel." i said "get off your phone its late and we have to be there at 9:30."

"fine" he put his phone down and lifted my shirt alittle so he could see my little baby bump "hello this is your daddy speaking. if your a boy i cant wait to play football or basket ball with you. but if your a girl, i would rather not play dress up, but i will play dollies with you" i just giggled. "i love you so much no matter what you are my little princess or my buddy." he kissed my stomich. then we both fell asleep.

the next morning wasn't the best or the cleanest either.

"are you going to this every morning? cause its gross." sam said refering to my morning sickness.

"maybe. but lets go. i don't want to be late." i said going through my closet. i grabbed sweetpants and the pottorff shirt. i grabbed crakers and a water bottle as we walked out of the door.

We got in the car and I turned the air conditioning on high.

"Are you that hot?" Sam said climb into the car.

"Yes. Now drive. We are going to be late." I said

We got to the doctor and as soon as we signed in and sat down they called us in to the office.

"Hello guys my name is Doctor Sheridan. Please take a seat here Tina." She said guiding me over to this bed looking thing.

"Have you been taking the vitamins like I told you?" she asked

"Yes every morning and night." I answered.

"Have you ever had a sonogram before?"

"When I was little."

"Ok tina you lie down here and you can sit here next to her."

She put the cold jelly like thing on my stomach and started moving that remote thing around. On the screen next to me you can see the baby.

"Ok you two. You are having a baby....."

Clift hanger......

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