•twenty six•

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*Heartbreaking and angst content*

*Grab your tissues*

You don't know where to go. Your legs desperately carry you as far away from him as they can. Further and further down the never ending maze of halls. The white walls of the Big Hit building never felt so suffocating. They were dauntingly closing in on you as you desperately run out of its cage. Your lungs are dying for oxygen and yet want to scream the pain out of you at the same time. But it's too much pain, too much pain in yourself that there seems to be no way letting it out. No amount of running can ever let you escape this prison of agony.

Interrupting your eternity of running a silent brick wall restricts your fleeing, the hall comes to an end. Your legs come to a stop and your hands drop to rest on your knees as you pant heavily into the ground. The emotions, the pain, the exhaustion. It's too much for you to handle. An overwhelming sense of dizziness enters your exhausted brain, you feel your body collapsing from its unsteady stance. Bracing yourself for the harsh contact of the floor you feel a pair of hands save you from the collision.

"Whoa, whoa. Y/N, what happened?"

Your vision is too blurry to focus on the man's features but you know the voice all too well. You attempt to assure him you're fine but all that comes out is a strangled groan as you drowsily lift yourself to your feet.

Your back rests against the wall for support as you slump upon it. Closing your eyes, you rub your forehead roughly while trying to bring your senses back to normal. You finally feel your brain gradually getting rid of the fog of dizziness. Opening your eyes again, you focus on Yoongi standing in front of you. His hand rests comfortably on your arm, making sure you keep your stability.

He reaches out a hand and lightly touches middle of your lip with his finger. You slightly flinch at the contact as you feel a sting easing through the cut. His eyes fall down to your wrists. You idly watch him while he gently takes your wrist in his hands and lifts it up to inspection. You hadn't noticed it before but now that he was holding your wrists in front of your eyes you notice the fresh bruise of where Jimin's hands attacked your wrists.

Yoongi looks up from his inspection with concerned eyes. "Who did this to you?"

You shake your head, looking away "Nothing, it's fine."

"Y/N." he keeps his voice low and calm "This isn't fine, what happened? Should I call-?"

"No." you firmly state, cutting him off. Meeting his eyes again with an unintentional glare. "Stop. Please, I just need to be alone right now."

But just like everyone else he didn't stop, he pushed his limits with you because he cared and wanted to help you. He didn't know that to you it was never classified as an act of care. To you it was an act of fake love.

"I'm just trying to help, I think you should go the nurse. Come."

He attempts to take your hand but you rip it from his grip as if his touch was disgusting. "Yoongi, while I'm still asking nicely please.leave.me.alone." you grit through your teeth.

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