•thirty seven•

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A small crunch is heard as Jungkook's solid knuckles connect with Jimin's jawline

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A small crunch is heard as Jungkook's solid knuckles connect with Jimin's jawline. The sound almost makes you ear bleed as your brain starts to flood with thoughts of panic.

As soon as Jungkook throws his first blow, Jimin collapses straight into the floor, his body crumpling into the tiles of the no longer calm cafe. Your jaw drops to the floor as you witness everything, a huge gasp that jolts your hands to fly up and cover your mouth in shock. When Jungkook doesn't stop there you scream.

"Jungkook, stop!"

But he doesn't. He doesn't even hear you as he climbs on top and continues to deliver his punches at Jimin's face.

Jimin suffers in agony beneath. He barely has the chance gather his thoughts as he keeps trying to recover from the continuous fists blinding him. Soon the taste of a smooth liquid enters his mouth and covers his tongue as if to replace saliva. Blood.

Everyone in the cafe gets up to look, to catch a glimpse of the sudden beating. Most people stay back, gaping in shock while a few students instantly shoot out of their chairs to film the entire thing.

This was bad.

No one was helping.

You scream at your boyfriend again, almost in tears at the sight of blood "Jungkook, please! You're hurting him!"

Your helpless hands reach out to grab at his muscular arms but your strength is too little compared to his and your full force results in a little tug as you try to pull him off the poor man.

An unexpected growl emits from Jimin as his shock surpasses and anger fills his body. Jungkook doesn't see it coming, a clenched revengeful fist with multiple metal rings clasping its fingers hits straight into his nose. A loud groan of pain erupts from him, as he stumbles off Jimin's body and grasps his injured face.

In panic, you rush over to Jungkook's side and cup your hands onto his face.

Giving a chance for Jimin to collect himself, he stumbles to his feet.

"Who pissed in your fucking cornflakes this morning?!" Jimin shouts, wiping the blood of his lip and breathing erratically in affliction.

Jungkook shrugs you off and shoots straight to a solid stance. His eyes burning with fury "How dare you fucking try to get with my fucking fiance?!"

The entire cafe falls silent only for a few gasps in the audience and whispers of disbelief is audible. His question alarms you. Your eyes capture Jimin's bloody and shocked face, worry cutting deep into your skin. All he does is swallow deeply in response. Your stare returns to Jungkook, worried he's going to make a sudden move at Jimin again.

Your eyes shift to the waitress behind the counter, shakily clutching a phone as she tempts herself to dial 911. Turning your head towards the small crowd, numerous phones clicking for pictures and videoing the event makes your heart sink even more. This can't happen. And if it was, not here, not now.

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