chapter seven

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I decide to do my work in my dormitory. When I get there I take out my work and sit on my bed. Then a avalanche of questions rush into my head. "Do I have a crush on Harry? Why does he keep looking at me? Does he have a crush on me?". I feel so overwhelmed, so I decide to do some work then go bed.
The next morning I go down to breakfast and to my delight we get to eat chocolate waffles! After breakfast its time for class and the 5th years have Charms first. As I walk upstairs to get my book bag I see Dean and Harry talk about Quidditch. I wanted to join in but then I realized that they have a morning free period and i don't. Boy, do i wish! I check the time on the common room clock and it says that I have 10 minutes to get to Flitwicks class. 5 mins later I arrive. Right on time. And 5 mins early.

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