Chapter 1

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It was an early Saturday morning. I sat in my apartment out in Hollywood and checked my watch nervously. It was almost noon, Mona Malone was not going to be happy. I anxiously watched as the coffee continued to pour, and when there finally was a decent amount, I immediately grabbed the cup from the brewer. Within those minutes of waiting, I had time to think about how I was stuck here. Quickly, I left for work

Later on the same day, I was waiting for coffee to be brewed, not for myself but for the biggest star in Hollywood, Mona Malone. A normal twenty-four year old would be out pursuing their dream or out with their friends, but not me. I sighed, wondering how I got here when I was supposed to be the star. My life never went according to the plan I always envisioned as a teenager.

I was born on May 31, 1996 in a small town in Ohio. I lived in a neighborhood with my mom, dad, and our cat. In my small town, almost everyone knew one another. I attended a boarding school called Gilmour Academy out in Gates Mill. I came from a longtime family of teachers, artists, and lawyers. Both of my parents were lawyers and were always telling me about cases they had. My parents always believed I was special. They explained to me that my intelligence was a gift, and that I should do something with it. I never really understood what they meant until I was in middle school. I scored higher and above average on all of my exams and tests compared to my peers. My parents took advantage of my gift and encouraged me to try out many different clubs and events. I joined the debate club, the robotics team, astronomy club, and I even participated working on the school yearbook and newspaper. I also was student-body president in high school. I never had time for friends or even to pursue little dreams I had. Sometimes, I envisioned myself on television. I enjoyed watching television when I could, and I was always inspired by the people acting on it. My neighbors encouraged me to come to the school musical. This is something I had said no to because I was too busy. I decided to come later on when the musical was almost over. I watched as they all acted their hearts out and sung many songs. I was extremely fascinated and intrigued by what was going on and I fell in love with the performance. Since then, I practiced singing and acting whenever I could. I printed out scenes I would watch from the TV and acted them out. My parents didn't approve. They didn't think I was taking advantage of my gift and they continued to tell me how I may not succeed as an actress. It wasn't until my last year of high school that I decided to pursue what I wanted to do. I dropped out of all my extra circular activities and clubs. I stopped being the student-body president and entered into the drama and music program. My parents wanted me to apply to places like Harvard, or Princeton University. I ended up applying for them because I doubted my ability. What if I didn't make it as an actress? Then what? I toured the schools to make my parents happy, and to give myself more confidence- but deep down I knew I didn't want to go to either of them. I applied for American Academy of Dramatic Arts out in Los Angelos. I knew that if I got accepted, I'd have to work and pay for my own college because my parents disapproved. I couldn't wait to leave my small-town of Ohio to be honest.

After I apparently "went berserk" and made "impulsive" decisions in my last year of high school; everyone was disappointed in me. My teachers, who used to be so impressed by me, were no longer using me as an example to the younger students. Everyone believed I was making the wrong decisions and as if I was going through some life crisis. When I received my acceptance letter to the Academy of Dramatic Arts, I left the next day for Los Angelos.

I am not going to lie, college was tough. I was having a hard time keeping up with the rest of my fellow students. Many of them were more experienced than me and it made me feel unworthy of my position here at the school. I tried to keep my spirits up and went on every open-casting call possible. I was struggling to afford college and rent that I had to get a job as a waitress. I worked at Cartilos Gardel Restaurant, and it paid good money. It just wasn't enough. I dedicated more time to working than I did college and auditions. I tried to keep my hopes up, but I felt overwhelmed. Why did I apply for a school that I knew would be difficult? I put myself in this position. I could've just attended Harvard or Princeton, and my parents would've paid. I would have gotten a great job that paid a lot of money, I would have been set for life. Instead, I was now struggling to afford food and gas to get from college to auditions.

Two years ago, I had just got back from an audition. After many callbacks, I was all of the sudden "not the person they were looking for." I went to work right after that and was practically moping throughout my shift. I was miserable and felt like I had disappointed myself and everyone else. I was wiping down a table and preparing for the next reservation to come in. My ears picked up a conversation going on at the door. I overheard Michael, our usher, explaining to a woman about how reservations work. Suddenly, her voice got rather loud and she seemed to be rather impatient.

"Don't you know who I am?! I am Mona Malone." I overheard the woman exclaim loudly. Michael attempted to recollect himself and form a proper answer, but then "Mona Malone" threatened to leave. My eyes widened once I recognized who she was. She was the Mona Malone. The famous superstar who just finished filming her newest movie a while back. Michael then calmly escorted her to a table on the other side of the room. He waved me over and pointed to her, mouthing that they were my upcoming table.

I struggled to keep my excitement hidden, but I also felt intimidated by Mona Malone's presence. I was serving a famous Hollywood star, I just had to meet her expectations. I rubbed my dirty hands on a nearby napkin and then pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Mona Malone sat at the table barking orders on the phone. I grabbed a menu from the front and then made my way to her table. I struggled to keep my heartbeat at a normal pace as I approached her. Mona ripped the menu away from my hand eagerly and flipped it open. As she put down the phone, I heard her mumble multiple things beneath her breath. She mentioned something about a divorce and how incompetent other actors were. I then heard her mention a man's name; "Dirk Stunner." She whispered about how he was never good enough for her and didn't deserve her.

"Excuse me? Are you okay?" I said to her as she jotted off what she wanted to drink quickly.

"Oh yeah. Whatever." Mona Malone snapped, letting out a frustrated sigh. "It's just- these other actors." She paused and then turned towards me. "They think they are more talented than me or whatever and go and do stupid tricks. They act like they can handle doing stunts but they can't! This man just broke his leg and now he can't film for another eight weeks." She vented to me. Her voice raised as she got more angry within each sentence. I chewed on my lip nervously- Mona Malone, the superstar, was telling me about her personal life.

"That's a shame." I said, shaking my head. I went to turn away, assuming Mona Malone was done ranting but she was not. I turned my head back around as she began to take her anger out on me.

"Then- my husband- well ex husband. We just got divorced yesterday, his name is Dirk. Ugh! He is so frustrating and was at first refusing to sign the divorce papers! He just isn't good enough for me, he doesn't deserve all the talent that I have! Not to mention, he is an awful disgusting rat. Then, just last week my trusted assistant, Ashley, was so incompetent she had to retire early! Later on she apparently had to go into a resting home because I was, quote on quote, overworking her." Mona proceeded, flapping her hands all around to describe her anger. I stared at her blankly, I didn't know what to say. She seemed to be so furious that I was almost scared to speak.

"That is awful. I am sorry to hear that." I said after many moments of not replying. Mona seemed to have calmed down a little and then looked back over her menu. Without looking up at me, she started to speak again. "You look very professional," Mona then looked at my name-tag, "Charlotte Diamond." I smiled at her and then awkwardly hesitated. "How would you like to be my new assistant?"

"What?" I stuttered, taking a step back. "Do you want to be my new assistant Charlotte, yes or no?" Mona Malone repeated. I paused, in huge awe that she was asking me this. She didn't even know me! "I just finished an audition for a didn't go well. I'm struggling financially." I said to her, rather embarrassed. "I'll pay you a thousand a week." She stated once more.

A thousand a week? That's a lot of money. More than I have been even making in months. Financially, this would be great! I would be able to afford college, my rent, and even gas for auditions out of state. Not to mention- Mona was the biggest star in Hollywood. If I worked for her, I'd be able to get in with some big time producers and directors! I said yes to Mona that day two years ago and my life changed dramatically.

Now, I, Charlotte Diamond was working for the Mona Malone. I had finished college, and had been able to afford many auditions. Even a new apartment downtown! I was thankful for that day and what Mona had done for me. Working for her was rough, and it did take up most of my time- but now with her help, I am one step closer to achieving my dreams. I'm proving to everyone and myself included, that I can do this.

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