Night Out

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I see him sitting across from me at the bar. I notice him before he notices me, and I wonder how long he's been sitting there by himself. He's wearing a black tuxedo with his bowtie unraveled, and his top two buttons undone.The light blue lights wash over his complexion, making him look indigo.

I gaze at him a little longer, weighing out my options as to how I would like to proceed. The hunted or the huntress?
Either way I'm bound to get what I want tonight, and that is him.

He lifts his glass and swirls it around in his hand, making the amber liquid dance, before he finally brings it to his lips. He tilts his head back and let's his body accept the remaining bourbon, while I watch his adams apple bob. I subconsciously bite my lip as my mind becomes filled with enticing ideas for those lips and that throat.

He catches me staring as he places his glass back on the bar, and our eyes meet. I don't back down, and my gaze never leaves his, as I test him to see what his response will be. He looks slightly bewildered by the intensity of my gaze, and looks down at his glass.

A smirk unabashedly washes over my face. Huntress it is.

I slowly stand from where I'm seated, and make my way over to him, enjoying the feeling of closing in on my catch. The poor man really doesn't stand a chance.

"Is this seat taken?"

You gaze up at me with genuine surprise, and are momentarily rendered speechless.

"I take that as a no," I confirm as I slowly settle myself into my seat, giving you a clear view of my cleavage. I cross my legs, allowing the split in my black dress to fall open to mid thigh.

You stare at my skin with a hunger that I have only ever seen in myself. A moment passes before you look away, you cheeks flushing roseate.

I motion to the bartender for a refill, giving you a chance to drink in my appearance without reservation. Your brown orbs slide over my neck, taking in the thin gold choker that I am wearing, and they slide all the way down my black wrap dress to the heels on my feet. Your eyes linger there, and when I turn to face you again, you are still looking at them.

"You like?" I rotate the ankle of my crossed leg, letting you take in the leather and chains that intertwine around my black boots.

You look up at me and clear your throat, "that's quite a design you have there."

"Why thank you, although I don't think I can take all of the credit." My eyes sparkle as a light chuckle escapes my throat, reeling you in.

"Mine", I think to myself.

I look down in mock innocence, and lightly trace the rim of my glass.

"I just had to come over here to see why a man like you is sitting alone, drinking his problems away."

Then I look into your eyes, before making my next move, "no one should have to drink alone."

I can tell that my words have touched you somewhere deep, as you look through the bottom of your glass. Our eyes meet again, and this time you don't back down.

I stare at the side of your throat, and watch as your pulse quickens; your artery beating a tattoo against your alabaster skin, and marking the exact place my teeth will stake their claim in less than 30 minutes. I discreetly dig my fingernails into my palm to curb my enthusiasm as I go in for the kill.

"What do you say we get out of here? I know this Indian restaurant where the masala is absolutely divine."

You smile in astonishment and wonder at my boldness, and  I have you hook line and sinker.


You quickly pay for our drinks, and on the way out the door, you slide my wedding ring back onto my finger. I snake my arm around your waist, excited for the evening's activities that await us.

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